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E.g., 28/12/2024
E.g., 28/12/2024
Macarena de Andrés Laguillo, Stefano Gambera, Sofía Sánchez Muñoz, Rui Benedito, Irene García González, Mariya Lytvyn Legin, Lourdes García Ortega, Sandra Ruiz García, Susana Ferreira da Rocha, Aroa García Cabero, Luis Diago Domingo.
12 Dec 2024

iFlpMosaics is a new technology presented in Nature Methods that allows the modification and study of gene function in mouse models, advancing research on diseases caused by somatic mutations, such as cancer and vascular malformations.

Daniel Ruiz Iruela, subdirector de Programas Internacionales de Investigación y Relaciones Institucionales del ISCIII; Laura Redondo, técnica de transferencia de tecnología del CNIC; Gemma Gómez, gestora de transferencia de conocimiento del CIBER-ISCIII; Rubén Nieto y Martín León, responsable de Transferencia y responsable de Innovación de la Plataforma ITEMAS, respectivamente, y Francisco Javier García, responsable de la Oficina de Transferencia del Conocimiento (OTC) del ISCIII,
Rafael Yuste
Representative transmurality map from an 3D-upsampled model with a short axis view at high-magnification to illustrate the 3D methodology for transmural-based scar assessment from images obtained with conventional 2D delayed gadolinium-enhanced CMR
28 Sep 2021

This innovative technology may provide an efficient approach in clinical practice after manual or automatic segmentation of myocardial borders in a small number of conventional 2D slices and automatic scar detection

3D images obtained in anatomical, functional, and tissue characterization studies performed with the ultrafast cardiac magnetic resonance protocol
22 Apr 2021

Ultrafast cardiac magnetic resonance allows precise assessment of heart anatomy and function while reducing healthcare costs and increasing patient comfort

Dr. José María Mendiguren, Director de Servicios Médicos de Banco Santander, Leticia Fernández-Friera, cardióloga del CNIC y del Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe, y Dr. Valentín Fuster, Director del CNIC.
26 Mar 2019

The results, published in JACC, demonstrate the potential of this technology to generate images of the inflammation associated with systemic atherosclerosis; this information will be useful for the study of early stages of this disease and will help to identify individuals who will benefit from early medical intervention

About the CNIC
21 Mar 2018

The OTRIs are intermediaries in the science-technology-enterprise system, and their mission is to boost relations among the agents of the system

20 Mar 2018

INPhINIT is a PhD scholarship program Promoted by the Social Project “Obra Social ‘la Caixa’” and designed to integrate young international researchers in the best Spanish research centers, in the fields of technology, engineering, physics, mathematics, health sciences and life sciences