
The principal objective of the CNIC Project Office is to promote the research carried out at the Center. The main activity of the Project Office is

To stimulate and support the CNIC´s research activities

  • Identifying and supplying information to CNIC personnel about public and private sources of funding for research - grants, contracts, research projects, scientific infrastructure, awards, etc.
  • Providing support in preparation and submission of proposals written by CNIC researchers
  • To administer research grants awarded to CNIC personnel
  • Participation in preparing and processing of the financial statements for CNIC grants

+Info Grants

Other members

Name and Surname Category Extension Email
Linares Herrero, Amada Management technician Ext. 4235 Contact
Ramírez Escudero, Mercedes Technician Ext. 71072 Contact
Gasco Fortea, Carmen Elodia International Projects Manager Ext. 70740 Contact