Dr Valentín Fuster receives the AstraZeneca Foundation Honorific Award for Excellence in Scientific Research.

The AstraZeneca Foundation gave its Honorific Award for Excellence in Scientific Research of the VII Young Researcher Awards to Valentín Fuster, for his outstanding career as a researcher in the field of cardiology. The award is worth 50,000 euros that will serve to continue contributing to research in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
Rodrigo Fernández Jiménez receives the Gabriella Morreale National Youth Research Award

The CNIC researcher Rodrigo Fernández Jiménez received the Gabriella Morreale National Youth Research Award in the area of Medicine and Health Sciences. The National Research Awards recognise the merit of researchers with Spanish nationality who perform outstanding work in scientific fields of international importance, and who make a significant contribution to the advance of scientific knowledge and the progress of humankind.
Dr José Jalife named Doctor Honoris Causa in Sciences by the Upstate Medical University of Syracuse.

Dr José Jalife, Group Leader of Heart Arrhythmias at the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) was named Doctor Honoris Causa by the State University of New York, Upstate Medical University of Syracuse, NY (USA).
Dr Valentín Fuster receives the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award of the World Heart Federation (WHF).

The World Heart Federation (WHF) presented Dr Valentín Fuster with its Lifetime Achievement Award 2024. The award acknowledges his notable contributions in the field of cardiovascular disease and his particular devotion to combating this disease around the world. The prestigious award recognises the international leadership Dr Fuster has displayed over the last four decades and his ground-breaking contributions to cardiovascular medicine, both in the field of research and from the clinical perspective and, more recently as champion of cardiovascular health worldwide.
Dr Cintia Folgueira Cobos receives the Rising Star Award 2024

The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFST) Rising Star 2024 awarded the CNIC postdoctoral researcher, Dr Cintia Folgueira Cobos a grant of 30.000 euros. Dr Folgueira Cobos had previously obtained the EFSD Lilly Research Fellowship Programme 2022 grant of 50,000 euros. The Fundación IBSA for scientific research also awarded Dr Cintia Folgueira Cobos a grant of 32,000 euros in the area of endocrinology for her project “Exploring new insights into brown adipose tissue mitochondria for protection against endocrine disorders.” The aim of the Fundación IBSA is to support talented young researchers under the age of 40 and significant projects in different areas of clinical basic research that could change the treatment of various diseases in the future.
Dr Fuster receives the Medal of the European Society for Clinical Investigation

The European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI) awarded the Albert Struyveberg Medal to Dr Valentín Fuster. With this prize the ESCI acknowledges Dr Fuster’s valuable contribution to cardiology worldwide.
JACC rewards a CNIC researcher for a PESA-CNIC-SANTANDER study.

The researcher Guiomar Mendieta has received the 2023 William W Parmley Young Author Achievement Award for her work “Determinants of Progression and Regression of Subclinical Atherosclerosis over 6 Years”, which was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) in November 2023 and was led by Doctors Valentín Fuster and Borja Ibáñez. The William W Parmley award, in honour of Dr William W Parmley, ex-editor in chief of the JACC, rewards works published in the JACC whose principal authors are completing their sub-specialization in cardiology and/or are doctoral candidates.
CNIC receives a donation to investigate Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome

The Molecular and Genetic Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Laboratory headed by Dr Vicente Andrés at CNIC received a donation of 11,060 euros from the Alexandra Peraut Progeria Association for its research project into the Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), an ultra-rare genetic disease that affects 1 in every 20 million people.
Visit of the Director of Carlos III Health Institute, Dr Marina Pollán, to CNIC

The Director of Carlos III Health Institute, Dr Marina Pollán, visited CNIC along with Agustín González, Subdirector General of networks and research centres that cooperate with the Carlos III Health Institute. During her visit, Dr Pollán held a meeting with Dr Valentín Fuster, Director General of CNIC; Alberto Sanz, Managing Director of CNIC; Dr Borja Ibáñez, CNIC Scientific Director and Clinical Research Director; Dr Vicente Andrés, CNIC Director of Basic Research, and Icíar Areilza, General Secretary of the Fundación Pro CNIC.
CNIC participates in the Foro Transfiere, the main meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation in the south of Europe

CNIC participated in the 13th European Meeting on Science Technology and Innovation. Known as Foro Transfiere, this is the main meeting for R+D in the south of Europe and its aim is to share scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, connect science and business, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge so that scientific and technological developments reach people’s daily lives. The Foro Transfiere is co-organized by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Andalusian Regional Government and Malaga City Council.
International Women’s Day 2024 @ CNIC

CNIC held a symposium on the 8th of March to highlight the inspirational example of our female researchers. The event “Women scientists from around the world at CNIC” was held with the participation of five female international researchers who conduct their investigative work at our centre: Valeria Caiolfa, Italy; Beatrice Oluwatayo, Nigeria; Gillian Dunphy, United Kingdom; Jyothi K C, India and Henar Cuervo, Spain. The researchers talked to the attendees about aspects such as what a career in science is like for women abroad, the differences between countries and cultures, maternity during a career in research and their research at CNIC among other topics.
This activity forms part of funding CEX2020-001041-S given by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science at CNIC

In Spain, only 16% of STEM professionals are women. On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we prepared an activity to attempt to encourage vocation by examples of real women who work at CNIC.
Training Programme for 4-ESO Students

CNIC again participated in the Community of Madrid Programme 4-ESO+Business, opening its doors for educational placements for interested students from public or subsidized schools to bring the educational system closer to the world of work in cardiovascular scientific research and offer them the opportunity to come into contact and collaborate with experts in cardiovascular research. The aim of these placements is to bring science closer to young people, awakening and fostering an investigative spirit among students who may become the next generation of cardiovascular researchers.
Fundación Inocente Gala

The Fundación Inocente, Inocente held its Gala at CNIC headquarters, during which the foundation presented awards of aid to organizations that work with children suffering from rare diseases in Spain.