Dr Silvia G Priori is a clinician scientist that throughout her career has combined clinical practice, clinical research and basic science research. In Italy she works at the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Pavia and at the Hospital ICS Maugeri where she leads a team of clinicians devoted to the management of patients with inherited arrhythmias and a team of basic scientists who investigate mechanisms of genetic arrhythmias and develop new therapies to reduce the unmet needs of these conditions (http://molecularmedicine.unipv.it/reseach-groups/cardiology/priori/)
The translational research conducted in her laboratories ranges from molecular studies in induced-pluripotent stem cells derived myocytes used as a disease model to functional investigations in transgenic animals and to the development of gene therapies. On the clinical end several landmark studies in the field of inherited arrhythmias have identified novel therapies, developed risk stratification schemes and contributed to the definition of clinical management for patients with inherited arrhythmias.
Dr Priori has worked in major research networks in Italy, Europe and USA: of note she has been twice awarded twice a grant of the Leducq Foundation as PI, and her research is currently funded by a ERC Advanced Grant 2016-2020.
Between 2008 and 2017 Dr Priori has held a position both in Italy (Professor of Cardiology) and in USA at new York University (Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiovascular Genetics) and this rather unique expertise has allowed her to develop a broad experience on the implementation of research strategies targeted to the different environments in which she has worked. Since June 2017 she joined the Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) in Madrid where she is Professor and Director of Molecular Cardiology Laboratories.
Since 2012 she is the Scientific Director the ICS Maugeri network of 15 hospitals. This experience has allowed her to acquire competence in the management of a research institute with >300 investigators, being responsible for designing the research strategies for the institution and being responsible for both financial and scientific aspects.
Dr Priori has served several roles within scientific societies: she has been member of the Board of Trustees of the Heart Rhythm Societies in the USA, Member of the Board of the European Society of Cardiology, President of the European Heart Rhythm Society.
She has gained competence in health care related policy statements while serving for 4 years as Chairman of the Guidelines Committee of the European Society of Cardiology.