Personnel with compatibility authorization for different professional activities
Personnel that have obtained or have applied for authorization of compatibility to work in different professional activities/centres in accordance with Law 53/1984, of December 26, de Incompatibilities del personal al Servicio del la Administration Pública (on Incompatibilities of Personnel at the Service of Public Administrations).
- Cortés Canteli, Marta (CP16/00174)
- Dreville, Inga (D-341176-CV/ 259-519215)
- Enríquez Domínguez, José Antonio (D-345061-CV/259-00682468)
- Fernández Alvira, Juan Miguel (D-338029-CV)
- Fernández Jiménez, Rodrigo (03-GCOM-00421.4/2021)
- Filgueiras Rama, David (AP/000704/2014 LS/MP)
- García Lunar, Inés (D-344661-CV/259-670855)
- Heras Murillo, Ignacio (D-346158-CV)
- Ibáñez Cabeza, Borja (D-328052-ET)
- Ibarra Pérez, Rafael (D-335121-CS)
- Jalife Sacal, José (D-329311-ET)
- Jiménez Carretero, Daniel (D-349244-CNU/259-00844930)
- Juárez Fernández, María (D-347697-CNU)
- López Jiménez, Alejandro (D-337882-CV/259-389709)
- Mañanes Cayero, Diego (D-350486-CNU)
- Marina Breysse, Manuel (NASS-332021-EP/DS-332022-EP)
- Martin, Pilar (D-348983-CNU/259-00834124)
- Mass Ruiz, Virginia (DS-337320-CV)
- Menéndez Gutiérrez, María Piedad (D-349610-CNU)
- Oliva Pellicer, Belen De Cortes (D-347390-CNU/259-00762668)
- Pizarro Sánchez, Gonzalo (D-327205-ET)
- Quesada Navidad, Antonio Jesus (NAG-345240-CV/259-00704340)
- Sancho Madrid, David (D-344788-CV)
- Torres, Miguel (NAG-327098-ET)