Héctor Bueno receives the ESC President's Awards 2024 at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology

30 Aug 2024
About the CNIC

Dr. Héctor Bueno, principal investigator of the Multidisciplinary Translational Cardiovascular Research group at the Spanish National Cardiovascular Research Centre (CNIC), Coordinator of the Clinical Hospitalization Area and Research of the Cardiology Service at the 12 de Octubre Hospital, leader of the i+12 Multidisciplinary Translational Cardiovascular Research Institute, has received the ESC President's Awards 2024 from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) at the ESC Congress 2024 in London. This award recognises Héctor Bueno's outstanding individual contribution to the ESC. According to Professor Franz Weidinger, President of the ESC, Dr. Bueno´s years of selfless service to ESC have made "a profund impact in many ways, to members of the ESC but also for our patients".

Dr. Bueno is an external advisor for the Spanish Ministry of Health, working as Scientific Coordinator of the National Strategy on Cardiovacular Health of Spain´s National Health System.

As a scientist, Dr. Bueno has a long career in individual and cooperative clinical and translational research, and innovation, having been recipient of several national and international competitive grants. He has authored or co-authored more than 500 publications, >470 in journals, such as NEJM, JAMA, Circulation, JACC, Eur Heart J. With a h index of 89 and nearly 140,000 citations, he has been selected as “Highly Cited” scientist by WoS in the past. He serves on the editorial boards of a number of international cardiology journals.

He has had an active participation in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), where he serves as member of the Ethics, Communication and Declaration of Interest Committeea, and served as Board Councillor (2014-18), ESC representative to the European Medicines Agency (2016-2017), member of the Practice Guidelines Committee (2012-2018) and President of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (2014-16). He is the past Vicepresident of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.

In addition, Héctor Bueno co-leads one of the working groups of the four-year European project JACARDI (Joint Action on Cardiovascular diseases and Diabetes), which involves ministries, public health agencies, non-governmental organisations and European universities to help EU Member States reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and associated risk factors.