
The Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging Unit provides state-of-the-art optical and fluorescence microscopy technologies.  Several wide-field and confocal microscopes support the use of super resolution, TIRF and multiphoton applications for multicolor immunofluorescence /multiparametric imaging in cells, tissue, and small model organisms in vitro and in vivo.

The Unit supports a variety of image analysis methods and develops customized protocols for very large image tiling and stitching, cell tracking, shape recognition, 3D/4D-multicolor rendering and co-localization.

More advanced applications (FLIM, dSTORM, N&B) are employed to study protein mobility, protein-protein interaction, membrane fluidity and in-vivo cellular dynamics.

Our facility is strongly committed to technological innovation and development of new imaging approaches. Research projects range from in vitro studies (function of biomolecules) to tracking biological processes in living cells, model organisms and tissues. Our main areas of interest are membrane receptors involved in cell adhesion, migration mechanisms, receptor microdomain dynamics and protein-lipid interactions.

The Unit actively disseminates its expertise in fluorescence spectroscopy/microscopy linear and non-linear, instrumentation and microscopy principles and applications to the scientific community.

This is achieved through organization and participation to international workshops and by publishing in peer-reviewed journals, books and conferences. This website is one of the Unit's central resources through which we keep the community updated about our activities.

Non-registered CNIC researchers and researchers from outside the CNIC who are interested in accessing the Unit's resources should consult “Interesting info” section. For more information please visit the “Multimedia and “Technology” sections.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Unit

ReDIB - Red Distribuida de Imagen Biomédica

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional "Una manera de hacer Europa"