Resultados de la búsqueda

Baddour LM, Fuster V. Today's Infective Endocarditis: Not What You Learned in Medical School. J Am Coll Cardiol (2024) 83:1324-1325.
Fayad ZA, Robson PM, Fuster V. Rethinking Heart Attack Prevention: The Myth of the "Vulnerable Plaque" and Reality of Patient Risk. J Am Coll Cardiol (2024) 83:2145-2147.
Pascual-Figal DA, Hernández-Vicente A, Pastor-Pérez F, Martínez-Sellés M, Solé-González E, Alvarez-García J, García-Pavía P, Varela-Román A, Sánchez PL, Delgado JF, Noguera-Velasco JA, Bayes-Genis A; NICE study investigators. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide post-discharge monitoring in the management of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction - a randomized trial: The NICE study. Eur J Heart Fail (2024) 26:776-784.
Pascual-Figal D, Núñez Villota J, Pérez-Martínez MT, González-Juanatey JR, Taibo-Urquía M, Llàcer Iborra P, González-Martín J, Villar S, Soler M, Mirabet S, Aimo A, Riquelme-Pérez A, Anguita Sánchez M, Martínez-Sellés M, Sánchez PL, Ibáñez B, Bayés-Genís A;  on behalf of the COLICA Investigators. Colchicine in acute heart failure: Rationale and design of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial (COLICA). Eur J Heart Fail (2024) Jun 4 [Epub ahead of print]
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Semerano A, Fernández-Ruiz J, Cortes-Canteli M, Moro MA. rom Alzheimer's disease to vascular dementia: Different roads leading to cognitive decline. Br J Pharmacol (2024) 181:755-759
Domínguez F, Uribarri A, Larrañaga-Moreira JM, Ruiz-Guerrero L, Pastor-Pueyo P, Gayán-Ordás J, Fernández-González B, Esteban-Fernández A, Barreiro M, López-Fernández S, Gutiérrez-Larraya Aguado F, Pascual-Figal D; Working Group on Myocarditis of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Diagnosis and treatment of myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy. Consensus document of the SEC-Working Group on Myocarditis. Rev Esp Cardiol (2024) S1885-5857:00156-7.
Lamanna-Rama N, Romero-Miguel D, Casquero-Veiga M, MacDowell KS, Santa-Marta C, Torres-Sánchez S, Berrocoso E, Leza JC, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML. THC improves behavioural schizophrenia-like deficits that CBD fails to overcome: a comprehensive multilevel approach using the Poly I:C maternal immune activation. PSYCHIAT RES (2024) 331:115643
Romero-Miguel D, Casquero-Veiga M, Lamanna-Rama N, Torres-Sánchez S, MacDowell KS, García-Partida JA, Santa-Marta C, Berrocoso E, Leza JC, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML. N-acetylcysteine during critical neurodevelopmental periods prevents behavioral and neurochemical deficits in the Poly I:C rat model of schizophrenia Transl Psychiatry (2024) 14:14
Santos-Beneit G, Fernández-Jiménez R, Fuster V. Education and Information to Improve Cardiovascular Health-Reply. JAMA Cardiol (2024) 9:306-307
