Resultados de la búsqueda

Fayad ZA, Robson PM, Fuster V. Rethinking Heart Attack Prevention: The Myth of the "Vulnerable Plaque" and Reality of Patient Risk. J Am Coll Cardiol (2024) 83:2145-2147.
Pascual-Figal DA, Hernández-Vicente A, Pastor-Pérez F, Martínez-Sellés M, Solé-González E, Alvarez-García J, García-Pavía P, Varela-Román A, Sánchez PL, Delgado JF, Noguera-Velasco JA, Bayes-Genis A; NICE study investigators. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide post-discharge monitoring in the management of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction - a randomized trial: The NICE study. Eur J Heart Fail (2024) 26:776-784.
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Pascual-Figal D, Núñez Villota J, Pérez-Martínez MT, González-Juanatey JR, Taibo-Urquía M, Llàcer Iborra P, González-Martín J, Villar S, Soler M, Mirabet S, Aimo A, Riquelme-Pérez A, Anguita Sánchez M, Martínez-Sellés M, Sánchez PL, Ibáñez B, Bayés-Genís A;  on behalf of the COLICA Investigators. Colchicine in acute heart failure: Rationale and design of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial (COLICA). Eur J Heart Fail (2024) Jun 4 [Epub ahead of print]
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Semerano A, Fernández-Ruiz J, Cortes-Canteli M, Moro MA. rom Alzheimer's disease to vascular dementia: Different roads leading to cognitive decline. Br J Pharmacol (2024) 181:755-759
Domínguez F, Uribarri A, Larrañaga-Moreira JM, Ruiz-Guerrero L, Pastor-Pueyo P, Gayán-Ordás J, Fernández-González B, Esteban-Fernández A, Barreiro M, López-Fernández S, Gutiérrez-Larraya Aguado F, Pascual-Figal D; Working Group on Myocarditis of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Diagnosis and treatment of myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy. Consensus document of the SEC-Working Group on Myocarditis. Rev Esp Cardiol (2024) S1885-5857:00156-7.
Lamanna-Rama N, Romero-Miguel D, Casquero-Veiga M, MacDowell KS, Santa-Marta C, Torres-Sánchez S, Berrocoso E, Leza JC, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML. THC improves behavioural schizophrenia-like deficits that CBD fails to overcome: a comprehensive multilevel approach using the Poly I:C maternal immune activation. PSYCHIAT RES (2024) 331:115643
Romero-Miguel D, Casquero-Veiga M, Lamanna-Rama N, Torres-Sánchez S, MacDowell KS, García-Partida JA, Santa-Marta C, Berrocoso E, Leza JC, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML. N-acetylcysteine during critical neurodevelopmental periods prevents behavioral and neurochemical deficits in the Poly I:C rat model of schizophrenia Transl Psychiatry (2024) 14:14
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Aguzzoli Peres F, Haas AN, Martha AD, Chan M, Steele M, Ferretti MT, Ngcobo NN, Ilinca S, Domínguez-Vivero C, Leroi I, Sajnani N, Zimmer ER, Kornhuber A, Kalache A, Holtzhausen B, Tristão-Pereira C, Dupont C, Cohen D, de Jong D, Facal D, O'Sullivan D, Mateus E, Roso E, Estrop E, Gamba G, San Martin Elexpe G, Ulises Diaz Hernández H, Quaid H, Govia I, Barbosa J, García Del Moral J, Miller J, García García JA, Quaid K, Navarro L, García LZ, Waters L, Molete L, Godoy ME, Sigauke M, de Ataide Schulte MW, Estrop P, San Martin Elexpe Cardoso P, Perez R, Patterson R, Chakrabarti R, Wong R, Marsillas S, Lowe S, Rego TS, Farombi T, Montgomery T, In 't Veen T, Yanni V, Weidner W, Ibanez A. Walking the talk for dementia: A unique immersive, embodied, and multi-experiential initiative. Alzheimers Dement (2024) 20:2309-2322
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Santos-Beneit G, Fernández-Jiménez R, Fuster V. Education and Information to Improve Cardiovascular Health-Reply. JAMA Cardiol (2024) 9:306-307
