Leica 4TuneDualIRDIVE STELLARIS 8 FALCON [Grant EQC2021-007527-P funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR]

Applications | This upright microscope, first in Europe, is equipped with a double-line multiphoton laser and 4 spectral photon counting NDD detectors allowing dynamic selection of emission windows from 410 to 750 with 10 nm steps [Leica 4Tune Dive]. It is combined with a confocal white laser, 405 nm diode and photon counting Hybrid detectors [Leica Falcon] and completed with an incubator chamber for CO2, N2 and O2 control and a variety of sample adaptors and stages. Therefore, this system can be used for multiparametric imaging including 1P, 2P, SHG, THG and 1P- and 2P-FLIM on cells, tissues, cleared organs and intravital models in 3D, to detect and characterize simultaneously in the same sample complexes structures and endogenous components (fibers, collagen, lipids) and multiple fluorescent and auto-fluorescent biomolecules. NOTICE: Due to the variety of applications, please contact the Unit staff with enough advance for an appropriate set-up of the system. |
Software | LAS X, Lightning (deconvolution), Navigator (tiles), mathematical FLIM fitting up to 5 components and PhasorFLIM modules are also included. |
Objectives |
Incubator | With a chamber enclosing the microscope, digital control of temperature, CO2, N2 and O2 allowing long term in-vivo experiments. |
Stages |
Sample Setup | Multiwell holders (size P6, P12, etc. ....) P35 plates and adapter for slide size sample holders. |
Illumination Source |
Detectors/Cameras |
Configuration | Upright. |
Filters | Triple or individual filters (UV, green, red) on request. |
External Access | https://www.cnic.es/en/investigacion/2/1187/interes |