Group leader
Ext. 4150

In the framework of an agreement with the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the unit is led by Dr. Manuel Desco (Professor of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine specialist and Telecommunications Engineer), and has a highly multidisciplinary team that includes biologists, chemists, engineers, image and quality control technicians, etc.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Cusso Lorena Assistant researcher --- Ext. 70186 Contact
Mateo de Castro Jesús Senior technician --- Ext. 70616 Contact
Calle Hernández Daniel Graduate technician --- Ext. 70778 Contact
González Gutiérrez María Isabel Graduate technician --- Ext. 70294 Contact
Alonso López Ana Vanesa Technician --- Ext. 70156 Contact
Flores Ruiz Lorena Technician --- Ext. 70327 Contact
González Rey Alba Technician --- Ext. 70452 Contact
Muñoz Bustos Patricia Technician --- Ext. 70214 Contact
Chávez Valencia Raquel Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71117 Contact
de Francisco López Alexandra Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70239 Contact
García Polo Pablo Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71093 Contact
González Arjona Mario Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71118 Contact
Salinas Rodríguez Beatriz Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70611 Contact