Juan De Dios Hourcade, Juan A Bernal Rodríguez, Giovanna Giovinazzo, María Beatriz Álvarez Flores, Juan Antonio López del Olmo, Valeria Caiolfa, Antonio Quesada Navidad, Lorena Cussó Mula, Manuel Desco, Fátima Sánchez Cabo, Elena Rodríguez y Ana Dopazo.
About the CNIC, Research

The accreditation confirms the reliability of the units’ technical output and facilitates external collaborations, factors crucial to sustaining the CNIC’s leadership in cardiovascular research

De izquierda a derecha: Immunofluorescencia en sección de corazón de pez cebra tras criolesion mostrando células proliferativas (blanco), cardiomiocitos (rojo) núcleos celulares (azul). Imagen de Microscopia electrónica mostrando mitocondrias. Gel Blue Native mostrando bandas correspondientes a supercomplejos formados por CIII (rojo) y CIV (verde).
Research, Publications

Scientists at the CNIC, CIBER, and University of Berne identify the fundamental role of a family of proteins in an essential process for cellular energy production

Vanessa Núñez, Jesús Vázquez, Emilio Camafeita, Ana Paredes, Pablo Hernansanz-Agustín, Mercedes Ricote, Fátima Sánchez Cabo y Fernando Martínez.
Research, Publications

A study by CNIC researchers published in Nature has found that the omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), present in breast milk, plays an essential role in ensuring the proper functioning of the heart after birth