
3D-gSTED rendering of 4µm Z-stacks of human leucocytes immunostained for the HS1 protein.
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Tracking of CD3β-mCherry vesicles in Jurkat cells by Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRFM).
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Interaction of proteins (in magenta) of Endothelial Adhesive Platforms (EAPs) at the plasma membrane detected by 2-photon phasor FLIM-FRET analysis.
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Light sheet fluorescence image (Bruker SPIM LCS) of a clarified mouse heart. Microvasculature (white), macrovasculature (red), lineage-traced cell nuclei (green).
Luis Diago (CNIC) 2024
Tiled High Resolution Confocal Image of a cleared mouse embryonic heart. SMAcy3 (blue), Lyvel 633 (red) and Prox1 cy5.5 (green).
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Hypertrophic and reactive astrocytes (GFAP-green) imaged by Confocal microscopy and processed by Huygens deconvolution.
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2-photon microscopy time-lapse video of a Mesp1cre/+;Rosa26Rtdtomato+/- embryo -reporting anterior mesoderm-, showing the transition from cardiac crescent stage to heart tube stage.
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Oblique illumination and dSTORM super-resolution images of mouse pre-implantation embryo nuclei, H3K4me3 histone Alexa 647 Ab..
Marta Portela Martinez and Maria José Andreu (CNIC) 2019.