Group leader
Ext. 4304

José J. Fuster graduated in Biochemistry from the University of Valencia, Spain, in 2005, and subsequently completed his Ph.D. at the same institution in 2010, based on research conducted at the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (IBV-CSIC). In 2011, he took a Postdoctoral Associate position in Boston University School of Medicine (USA, investigating the interplay between adipose tissue and the vascular wall in the contexts of obesity and aging. In 2015, he was appointed as Instructor in the Department of Medicine at Boston University, a Junior Faculty position that allowed him to establish a new line of research focused on investigating the contribution of somatic mutations in blood cells to cardiovascular disease. As part of this line of research, he provided the first experimental evidence supporting that somatic mutations that drive clonal hematopoiesis contribute directly to the development of atherosclerosis.

After holding Assistant Professor positions at Boston University and the University of Virginia (2017-2018), Dr. Fuster joined CNIC in late 2018. At CNIC, he currently serves as an Associate Professor and Coordinator of the center’s scientific program on "Novel Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis". His research is focused on clonal hematopoiesis and the examination of new mechanisms that link aging to inflammation and cardiovascular disease, with a special focus on the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and heart failure.

Dr. Fuster's contributions to cardiovascular research have been acknowledged through prestigious awards. Among others, he received the Young Investigator Award from the European Atherosclerosis Society and was recognized as a runner-up for the American Heart Association Irvine H. Page Young Investigator Award.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Izzi Benedetta Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70676 Contact
Díez Díez Miriam Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70145 Contact
López Ramos-Neble Beatriz de las Mercedes Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70236 Contact
Di Carli Milena Researcher in Training --- Ext. 70880 Contact
Mol Eline Lous Carla Researcher in Training --- Ext. 70490 Contact
Zorita García Virginia Graduate technician --- Ext. 70255 Contact
Zuriaga Herrero María Ángeles Graduate technician --- Ext. 70169 Contact
Cuevas Frances Diego Technician --- Ext. 70780 Contact
Moro Moro Rosa Technician --- Ext. 70539 Contact
Alhaddad Ayham Ra'ed Noor Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71228 Contact
Amorós Pérez Marta Visiting scientist --- Contact
Asensio López María del Carmen Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70477 Contact
Bravo Ruiz Inés Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70274 Contact
de Prado Rivas Lucía Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70607 Contact
Lax Pérez Antonio Manuel Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71197 Contact
Ochoa Bru Mariana Visiting student --- Ext. 71103 Contact