Selected publications
Binek A, Castans C, Jorge I, Bagwan N, Rodríguez JM, Fernández-Jiménez R, Galán-Arriola C, Oliver E, Gómez M, Clemente-Moragón A, Ibanez B, Camafeita E, Vázquez J. Oxidative Post-translational Protein Modifications upon Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Antioxidants (2024) 13:106
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Enríquez-Vázquez D, Quintanilla JG, García-Escolano A, Couselo-Seijas M, Simón-Chica A, Lee P, Alfonso-Almazán JM, Mahía P, Redondo-Rodríguez A, Modrego J, Ortega-Hernández A, Marcos-Alberca P, Magni R, Calvo E, Gómez-Gordo R, Yan P, La Rosa G, Bustamante-Madrión J, Pérez-García CN, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Calvo D, de la Hera JM, García-Torrent MJ, García-Osuna Á, Ordonez-Llanos J, Vázquez J, Pérez-Villacastín J, Pérez-Castellano N, Loew LM, Sánchez-González J, Gómez-Garre D, Filgueiras-Rama D. Non-invasive electromechanical assessment during atrial fibrillation identifies underlying atrial myopathy alterations with early prognostic value. Nat Commun (2023) 14:4613
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Rodríguez JM, Jorge I, Martinez-Val A, Barrero-Rodríguez R, Magni R, Núñez E, Laguillo A, Devesa CA, López JA, Camafeita E, Vázquez J. iSanXoT: A standalone application for the integrative analysis of mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics data Comput Struct Biotechnol J (2023) 23:452-459
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Laguillo-Gómez A, Calvo E, Martín-Cófreces N, Lozano-Prieto M, Sánchez-Madrid F, Vázquez J. ReCom: A semi-supervised approach to ultra-tolerant database search for improved identification of modified peptides. J Proteomics (2023) 287
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Núñez E, Fuster V, Gómez-Serrano M, Valdivielso JM, Fernández-Alvira JM, Martínez-López D, Rodríguez JM, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Calvo E, Alfayate A, Bermudez-Lopez M, Escola-Gil JC, Fernández-Friera L, Cerro-Pardo I, Mendiguren JM, Sánchez-Cabo F, Sanz J, Ordovás JM, Blanco-Colio LM, García-Ruiz JM, Ibáñez B, Lara-Pezzi E, Fernández-Ortiz A, Martín-Ventura JL, Vázquez J. Unbiased plasma proteomics discovery of biomarkers for improved detection of subclinical atherosclerosis EBioMedicine (2022) 76
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Roldán-Montero R, Pérez-Sáez JM, Cerro-Pardo I, Oller J, Martinez-Lopez D, Nuñez E, Maller SM, Gutierrez-Muñoz C, Mendez-Barbero N, Escola-Gil JC, Michel JB, Mittelbrunn M, Vázquez J, Blanco-Colio LM, Rabinovich GA, Martin-Ventura JL. Galectin-1 prevents pathological vascular remodeling in atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm Sci Adv (2022) 8
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Nuñez E, Orera I, Carmona-Rodríguez L, Paño JR, Vázquez J, Corrales FJ (JV and FJC are co-corresponding authors) Mapping the Serum Proteome of COVID-19 Patients; Guidance for Severity Assessment. Biomedicines (2022) 10
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Lorenzo C, Delgado P, Busse CE, Sanz-Bravo A, Martos-Folgado I, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Ferrarini A, Gonzalez-Valdes IB, Mur SM, Roldan-Montero R, Martinez-Lopez D, Martin-Ventura JL, Vazquez J, Wardemann H, Ramiro AR ALDH4A1 is an atherosclerosis auto-antigen targeted by protective antibodies Nature (2021) 589:287–292
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Al-Mashhadi RH, Al-Mashhadi AL, Nasr ZP, Mortensen MB, Lewis EA, Camafeita E, Ravlo K, Al-Mashhadi Z, Kjær DW, Palmfeldt J, Bie P, Jensen JM, Nørgaard BL, Falk E, Vázquez J, Bentzon JF Local Pressure Drives Low-Density Lipoprotein Accumulation and Coronary Atherosclerosis in Hypertensive Minipigs J Am Coll Cardiol (2021) 77:575-89
de la Fuente-Alonso A, Toral M, Alfayate A, Ruiz-Rodríguez MJ, Bonzón-Kulichenko E, Teixido-Tura G, Martínez-Martínez S, Méndez-Olivares MJ, López-Maderuelo D, González-Valdés I, Garcia-Izquierdo E, Mingo S, Martín CE, Muiño-Mosquera L, De Backer J, Nistal JF, Forteza A, Evangelista A, Vázquez J, Campanero MR, Redondo JM Aortic disease in Marfan syndrome is caused by overactivation of sGC-PRKG signaling by NO Nat Commun (2021) 12:2628
Bosch M, Sánchez-Álvarez M, Fajardo A, Kapetanovic R, Steiner B, Dutra F, Moreira L, López JA, Campo R, Marí M, Morales-Paytuví F, Tort O, Gubern A, Templin RM, Curson JEB, Martel N, Català C, Lozano F, Tebar F, Enrich C, Vázquez J, Del Pozo MA, Sweet MJ, Bozza PT, Gross SP, Parton RG, Pol A Mammalian lipid droplets are innate immune hubs integrating cell metabolism and host defense Science (2020) 370:eaay8085
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Nicolas-Avila JA, Lechuga-Vieco AV, Esteban-Martinez L, Sanchez-Diaz M, Diaz-Garcia E, Santiago DJ, Rubio-Ponce A, Li JL, Balachander A, Quintana JA, Martinez-de-Mena R, Castejon-Vega B, Pun-Garcia A, Traves PG, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Garcia-Marques F, Cusso L, N AG, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Roche-Molina M, Martin-Salamanca S, Crainiciuc G, Guzman G, Larrazabal J, Herrero-Galan E, Alegre-Cebollada J, Lemke G, Rothlin CV, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Reyes G, Castrillo A, Desco M, Munoz-Canoves P, Ibanez B, Torres M, Ng LG, Priori SG, Bueno H, Vazquez J, Cordero MD, Bernal JA, Enriquez JA, Hidalgo A A Network of Macrophages Supports Mitochondrial Homeostasis in the Heart Cell (2020) 183:94-109
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Martinez-Lopez D, Roldan-Montero R, Garcia-Marques F, Nunez E, Jorge I, Camafeita E, Minguez P, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Lopez-Melgar B, Lara-Pezzi E, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Ibanez B, Valdivielso JM, Fuster V, Michel JB, Blanco-Colio LM, Vazquez J*, Martin-Ventura JL* (JV and JLMV are co-corresponding authors) Complement C5 Protein as a Marker of Subclinical Atherosclerosis J Am Coll Cardiol (2020) 75:1926-1941
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Prieto G, Vazquez J A protein probability model for high-throughput protein identification by mass spectrometry-based proteomics J Proteome Res (2020) 19:1285-1297
Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Camafeita E, Lopez JA, Gomez-Serrano M, Jorge I, Calvo E, Nunez E, Trevisan-Herraz M, Bagwan N, Barcena JA, Peral B, Vazquez J Improved integrative analysis of the thiol redox proteome using filter-aided sample preparation J Proteomics (2020) 214:103624
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Calvo E, Cogliati S, Hernansanz-Agustín P, Loureiro-López M, Guarás A, Casuso RA, García-Marqués F, Acín-Pérez R, Martí-Mateos Y, Silla-Castro J, Carro-Alvarellos M, Huertas JR, Vázquez J*, Enríquez JA* (JV and JAE are co-corresponding authors) Functional role of respiratory supercomplexes in mice: SCAF1 relevance and segmentation of the Qpool Sci Adv (2020) 6:eaba7509
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Martinez-Lopez D, Camafeita E, Cedo L, Roldan-Montero R, Jorge I, Garcia-Marques F, Gomez-Serrano M, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Blanco-Vaca F, Blanco-Colio LM, Michel JB, Escola-Gil JC, Vazquez J*, Martin-Ventura JL* (JV and JLMV are co-corresponding authors) APOA1 oxidation is associated to dysfunctional high-density lipoproteins in human abdominal aortic aneurysm EBioMedicine (2019) 43:43-53
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Trevisan-Herraz M, Bagwan N, Garcia-Marques F, Rodriguez JM, Jorge I, Ezkurdia I, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Vazquez J. SanXoT: a modular and versatile package for the quantitative analysis of high-throughput proteomics experiments. Bioinformatics (2019) 35:1594-6
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Bagwan N, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Calvo E, Lechuga-Vieco AV, Michalakopoulos S, Trevisan-Herraz M, Ezkurdia I, Rodriguez JM, Magni R, Latorre-Pellicer A, Enriquez JA, Vazquez J. Comprehensive Quantification of the Modified Proteome Reveals Oxidative Heart Damage in Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy. Cell Rep (2018) 23:3685-97
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Cogliati S*, Calvo E*, Loureiro M, Guaras AM, Nieto-Arellano R, Garcia-Poyatos C, Ezkurdia I, Mercader N, Vazquez J*, Enriquez JA* (SC and EC contributed equally; JV and JAE are co-corresponding authors) Mechanism of super-assembly of respiratory complexes III and IV. Nature (2016) 539:579-82
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