Group leader
Ext. 3309

Enrique Lara-Pezzi graduated in Chemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1995), and obtained his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the same University in 2000. During his PhD, carried out in Dr. López-Cabrera's laboratory at the Hospital Universitario de la Princesa in Madrid, Spain, he focused on the study of the HBx protein of the hepatitis B virus and its contribution to the immune response and the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. He also carried out a first postdoctoral stay in the same laboratory, during which he furthered the study of the HBx protein and its contribution to metastasis.

In 2003, he joined the laboratory of Prof. Nadia Rosenthal at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Monterotondo, Italy to study the contribution of the calcineurin isoform CnAβ1 to skeletal muscle regeneration. Sponsored by the Marie Curie Programme, he moved to Prof. Rosenthal's laboratory at the Heart Science Centre (Imperial College London) to investigate the molecular mechanisms that mediate heart failure and cardiac regeneration (2006-2009).

In 2009 he joined the CNIC to head the Molecular regulation of Heart Failure group, which studies the molecular mechanisms underlying heart failure and genetic cardiomyopathies, and explores new therapeutic approaches for these conditions.

Enrique has published more than 100 research articles, including some in top scientific journals like Circulation, Circulation Research, JACC, and New England Journal of Medicine, among others. He has coordinated a major European network and has obtained continuous competitive grants, both from international and national sources, since 2006.

Outside the CNIC, Enrique is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research and is involved in different managerial activities related to international grant evaluation.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Lalaguna Díaz Laura Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70355 Contact
Rubio Muñoz Blanca María Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70721 Contact
Arévalo Núñez de Arenas María Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70749 Contact
Ausiello Antonella Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70151 Contact
Campos Olmo Belen Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70973 Contact
Cañas Alvaro Rodrigo Fernando Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70779 Contact
Heidari Anastasia Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70298 Contact
Migoyo Bettoni Candela Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70894 Contact
Gil Sánchez-Cabezudo Carlos Technician --- Ext. 70991 Contact
Lopez Olaneta Marina Technician --- Ext. 70332 Contact
Rivas Daza Patricia Technician --- Ext. 70620 Contact
Ochala Julien Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70363 Contact