Group leader
Ext. 4302

Borja Ibáñez holds a degree in medicine from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and PhD from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He completed his clinical fellowship in cardiology at the Fundacion Jimenez Diaz Hospital in Madrid, during which he became interested in clinical research, working mainly with invasive imaging techniques for the study of the atherothrombotic disease. After completing his training in clinical cardiology, he made a training period of three years in basic research at Mount Sinai in New York. His doctoral thesis focused on the study of the ability of HDL-cholesterol to stabilize atheroma plaques and their assessment using non-invasive imaging tools. Since returning to Spain, he combines his scientific activity in the CNIC with clinical activity in the Fundación Jimenez Diaz University hospital. His passion is the study of myocardial diseases, with a clear translational vocation. His research ranges from the study of the mechanisms responsible for the development of myocardial diseases, to clinical trials to test therapies identified by his group in preclinical studies. His clinical activity consists mainly in coronary interventions of patients suffering an acute myocardial infarction. To perform this translational research, he uses noninvasive imaging technology, mainly magnetic resonance, also including the development of new imaging algorithms to improve the use both on research and clinical levels.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Cádiz Barrera Laura Assistant researcher --- Ext. 70485 Contact
Galán Arriola Carlos Assistant researcher --- Ext. 70304 Contact
Clemente Moragón Agustín Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70505 Contact
Joyce William Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70244 Contact
Real Jiménez Carlos Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70724 Contact
del Olmo Reillo Malena Senior technician --- Ext. 71223 Contact
Fernandes Cortinhal Tiago Filipe Senior technician --- Ext. 71224 Contact
Molina Ballesteros Roberto Senior technician --- Contact
Morales Galán Alberto Senior technician --- Ext. 71225 Contact
Moreno Arciniegas Andrea Senior technician --- Ext. 70434 Contact
Pérez García Carlos Nicolás Senior technician --- Ext. 70266 Contact
Pizarro Sánchez Gonzalo Senior technician --- Ext. 70768 Contact
Rubini Giménez María Senior technician --- Ext. 71142 Contact
Caballero Henares Carlos Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70989 Contact
Díaz-Guerra Priego Anabel Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70347 Contact
Fernández Tocino Miguel Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70122 Contact
Jagannathan Anagha Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70893 Contact
Medina Hernandez Danielle Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70354 Contact
Skoza Warren Alexander Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70914 Contact
Trigo Anca Sofía Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70463 Contact
Fernández Delgado Tamara Technician --- Ext. 1172 Contact
Gallego Nuevo Yolanda Technician --- Ext. 1173 Contact
Gómez González María del Sinaí Technician --- Ext. 71203 Contact
López Palomar Lucía Pilar Technician --- Ext. 70353 Contact
Molina Moya Juan Manuel Technician --- Ext. 70544 Contact
Pollán García Ángela Technician --- Ext. 70547 Contact
Amat Santos Ignacio Jesús Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71189 Contact
Caballero Valderrama María de Regla Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70149 Contact
Cepas Guillen Pedro Luis Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70758 Contact
Cruz Utrilla Alejandro Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70631 Contact
Esteban Chapel José Antonio Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70410 Contact
Fernández Ferro José Carlos Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70543 Contact
García Martí Gonzalo Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70849 Contact
Gómez Talavera Sandra Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70465 Contact
Hernandez Sevillano José Joel Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70902 Contact
Ioan Ana María Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70564 Contact
López Álvarez María Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70799 Contact
Lourido García Daniel Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70493 Contact
Marco Clement Irene Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70833 Contact
Martín Mariscal María Luisa Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70904 Contact
Navarro Guzman Alvaro Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70358 Contact
Oliver Eduardo Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70704 Contact
Oller Pedrosa Jorge Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70762 Contact
Pérez Camargo Daniel Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70333 Contact
Pérez Martínez Claudia Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70154 Contact
Rosselló Lozano Francisco Javier Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70291 Contact
Sánchez González Javier Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70351 Contact
Santos Oviedo Arnoldo de Jesús Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70188 Contact
Severo Sánchez Andrea Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71018 Contact
Sierra Palomares Yolanda Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70482 Contact
Solís Chávez María Belén Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71097 Contact
Vega Viyuela Alba María Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70896 Contact
Velasco Jimeno Carlos Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70964 Contact
Córdoba de Isidro Adrián Visiting student --- Ext. 71115 Contact
Hernández Rodríguez Andrea Del Pilar Visiting student --- Ext. 70872 Contact
Rodrigo Fuentes Blanca Visiting student --- Ext. 71201 Contact
Vera Blanco Alejandra Visiting student --- Ext. 71195 Contact