Héctor Bueno obtained his MD at Universidad de Navarra, Spain in 1988, completed his training in Cardiology at Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, in Madrid, and his PhD with Magda Cum Laude and extraordinary award for the best thesis of year 1996 by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He also obtained university degrees on Design and Statistics in Health Sciences (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and in Integrated Health Care Systems Direction (ESADE Business School, Madrid). In 2008 he served as a Visiting Professor at Yale Medical School working in research projects related to quality of care and of performance measures analysis for cardiac diseases (MI, HF) for the Centers for Medicare Services.
Dr. Bueno leads the Multidisciplinary Translational Cardiovascular Research (MTCR) Group at CNIC, and the Cardiovascular Research Area at the i+12 Research Institute in Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, where he leads the PROGRAMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN CARDIOVASCULAR TRASLACIONAL (PICAT). His clinical work is based in the CCU of the Cardiology Department. Dr. Bueno is Associate Professor of Medicine in Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has an active participation in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) where he serves as Board Councillor, ESC representative to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), member of the Committee of Practice Guidelines and the Ethics Committee, and immediate Past-President of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA).
Surname and name | Position | CV | Extension | |
Fernández Fernández Sandra | Researcher in Training | --- | Ext. 71110 | Contact |
Huertas Nieto Sergio | Visiting scientist | --- | Ext. 71125 | Contact |
Moreno Muñoz Guillermo | Visiting scientist | --- | Ext. 70517 | Contact |
Taiwan Chen Emma | Visiting student | --- | Ext. 71109 | Contact |