Group leader
Ext. 70136

Dr. Inés García-Lunar is a doctor in Cardiology, a specialist in non-invasive cardiovascular imaging and an emerging Group Leader at the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Madrid, where she is also the co-clinical leader of the Scientific Program on Novel Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis. After completing MD and Cardiology training in Madrid, she further specialized in advanced cardiovascular imaging at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. She has >10-year experience in clinical cardiology, cardiovascular imaging, and translational research at CNIC. Her research efforts focus on the prevention of cardiovascular disease through the use of non-invasive imaging technologies.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Carballo Tello Ximena Lucia Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70828 Contact
Frías García-Lago Raquel Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70947 Contact
Ramos Cillán Sergio Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71243 Contact
Saldaña García Jesús Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71140 Contact
Bermejo Pomar Alejandra Visiting student --- Ext. 71061 Contact