Group leader
Ext. 2022

Rodrigo Fernández Jiménez holds a degree in medicine from the Universidad de Zaragoza and a PhD from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He completed his clinical fellowship in cardiology at the Hospital Universitario Clinico San Carlos in Madrid. In addition, he holds a Diploma of Statistics and a Master’s degree of Research Methodology in Health Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

After completing his training in cardiology, he made a 4-year research-training program (including the “Rio Hortega” program) at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). His doctoral thesis focused on the study of the dynamics of post-myocardial infarction edema using a translational platform and non-invasive imaging tools. He then secured a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship focused on cardiovascular disease prevention and health promotion at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

In January 2020, Rodrigo was promoted as Group Leader of the Cardiovascular Health and Imaging Lab at CNIC. He combines his scientific activity in CNIC with clinical activity in the Hospital Universitario Clinico San Carlos. Merging his diverse training and research backgrounds, his research efforts focus on the evaluation of health promotion strategies to instil long-life healthy habits and the study of cardiovascular health across the lifespan using non-invasive imaging technologies.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Fernández Alvira Juan Miguel Assistant researcher --- Ext. 70714 Contact
Real Jiménez Carlos Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70724 Contact
Martínez Gómez Jesús Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70310 Contact
Bodega Villanueva Patricia Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70381 Contact
de Cos Gandoy Amaya Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70175 Contact
de Miguel Estévez Mercedes Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70431 Contact
García Cocera Miriam Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70824 Contact
Garcia Onrubia Jorge Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70945 Contact
González Calvo Ernesto Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70218 Contact
Juárez Olmos Víctor Manuel Visiting scientist --- Contact
Luján Rodríguez Fernando Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71017 Contact
Párraga Gutiérrez Rocío Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70438 Contact
Ruiz Saavedra Antonio Visiting scientist --- Ext. 71238 Contact
Santos Beneit María Gloria Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70767 Contact
Azcárraga Aranegui Guillermo Visiting student --- Ext. 70837 Contact