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E.g., 23/07/2024
E.g., 23/07/2024
De izquierda a derecha: Immunofluorescencia en sección de corazón de pez cebra tras criolesion mostrando células proliferativas (blanco), cardiomiocitos (rojo) núcleos celulares (azul). Imagen de Microscopia electrónica mostrando mitocondrias. Gel Blue Native mostrando bandas correspondientes a supercomplejos formados por CIII (rojo) y CIV (verde).
6 May 2024

Scientists at the CNIC, CIBER, and University of Berne identify the fundamental role of a family of proteins in an essential process for cellular energy production

Miembros del equipo del Dr. Miguel Torres.
About the CNIC
11 Apr 2024

The CNIC project will use innovative approaches to investigate cardiac regeneration

María Linarejos Vera, Gema Mondéjar, Amaia Talavera, Patricia Sánchez, Álvaro Macías, Juan Manuel Ruiz, Francisco M. Cruz, Fernando Martínez de Benito, Juan Antonio Bernal y José Jalife
11 Apr 2024

CNIC researchers, led by Dr. José Jalife, have made a key discovery about cardiac arrhythmias in Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS)

Marcos Siguero Álvarez, Luis Luna Zurita, José Luis de la Pompa y Brenda Giselle Flores Garza
11 Dec 2023

The findings, published in the journal Circulation Research, not only highlight the gene regulatory mechanisms that control valve formation, but also offer clues for future medical advances

Imágenes de mapeado óptico de dos corazones distintos de ratones que desarrollaron fibrilación ventricular.
Dr. García Pavía
21 May 2023

The team led by Dr. Pablo García-Pavía, based at the CNIC and Hospital Puerta de Hierro, has published the first study of a drug able to remove amyloid deposits from the heart

Imágenes del corazón obtenidas mediante resonancia magnética en las que se analizan distintas estructuras de la anatomía y función del corazón: aurículas (paneles A y B), ventrículos (paneles C y D), características del tejido cardiaco (paneles E y F).
3 Mar 2023

The results, published in eClinicalMedicine, have direct implications for clinical practice by providing a list of reference values for a multitude of cardiac parameters used in daily practice

Las células senescentes (mostradas por luminiscencia) aparecieron en el hombro de ratón después de la lesión
19 Dec 2022

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in elderly people and for improving muscle repair in young healthy people

Transverse heart sections from wild type mice (WT) and transgenic mice overexpressing beta-3 adrenergic receptor in cardiomyocytes (c-h3tg) after 3 months of aortic stenosis (transaortic constriction, TAC) or control (sham). Hypertrophy after TAC was less severe in the transgenic mice
29 Nov 2022

The experimental study, led by researchers at the CNIC, shows that boosting the expression of this adrenalin receptor in heart cells improves mitochondrial function in the heart

Imagen de histología que muestra la comparación del tamaño del corazón de un ratón normal (izquierda) y un ratón deficiente para la proteína MKK6 (derecha).
9 Aug 2022

A new study published in eLife shows that inhibition of p38γ/δ is a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but that this strategy has yet to be explored because of the lack of specific inhibitors for these p38 family members