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E.g., 24/07/2024
30 Jul 2020

The study, published in Nature, shows that sodium controls hypoxic signaling in the mitochondrial respiratory chain

Alfonso Mora, María Elena Rodríguez Andrés, Guadalupe Sabio, Alejandro Rosell, Cintia Folgueira and Luis Leiva-Vega.
30 Jun 2020

CNIC scientists have designed an animal model to study the development of liver cancer caused by bile acids

4 Jun 2020

Published in Science Advances, the study shows that malfunctioning of this system leads to congenital deformities

Experimental design of the study and summary of the results obtained
21 Apr 2020

The study, published today in JACC, shows that activation of the complement system is one of the most characteristic molecular changes taking place in the early stages of the development of atherosclerotic plaques

En la imagen se muestra con un asterisco la presencia de una placa de aterosclerosis avanzada en la carótida común detectada por la técnica de ecografía 3D que no llega a ocasionar una obstrucción significativa de la luz del vaso (es <50%). Se puede comprobar con precisión su extensión en las 3 dimensiones del espacio lo que nos permite detectar cambios en su volumen para determinar si existe un avance de la enfermedad.
7 Apr 2020

A CNIC study published in JACC demonstrates that atheroma plaques extend rapidly in the arteries of asymptomatic individuals aged between 40 and 50 years participating in the PESA-CNIC-Santander study.

Microscopía confocal mostrando un macrófago peritoneal de un ratón deficiente en RXR, donde se observa un alto contenido de lípidos (verde) dentro de vesículas ácidas (rojo).
3 Apr 2020

Published in Nature Communications, the study suggests that it may be possible to regulate the number and activity of these macrophages with drugs that modulate the nuclear receptor RXR

De izquierda a derecha  José Manuel Alfonso Almazán, Jorge García Quintanilla, Manuel Marina Breysse, José María Lillo Castellano, Julián Pérez Villacastín, David Filgueiras Rama, José Jalife y Nicasio Pérez Castellano.
16 Dec 2019

The study, published in Europace, uses signals from implantable devices—pacemakers and defibrillators—to analyze electrical signals in the heart during episodes of atrial fibrillation

SRSF3 expression in adult cardiomyocytes. Pink staining shows SRSF3 expression in cell nuclei, which are stained blue. Green staining shows the presence of troponin, a sarcomere protein expressed in cardiomyocytes.
4 Jul 2019

A new study published in Circulation Research shows that loss of cardiac expression of SRSF3 leads to a critical reduction in the expression of genes related to contraction

About the CNIC
12 Jun 2019

EMBO promotes excellence in scientific research, and one of its major goals is to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers

Valentín Fuster
23 Apr 2019

New study proves educating young children on health and fitness is effective