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E.g., 06/10/2024
About the CNIC
15 May 2024

Globally, cardiovascular diseases due to atherosclerosis – the build-up of plaque in arteries – are the leading cause of death. A new Danish-Spanish research collaboration aims to develop methods to detect atherosclerosis at earlier ages and encourage prevention. Denmark’s Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted up to EUR 23 million to cover the first 2.5 years of the REACT initiative. The initiative is expected to run for 8 years in total

RM cardiaca de un paciente con miocardiopatía dilatada (izquierda) y de un individuo sin cardiopatía (derecha). En el paciente con miocardiopatía dilatada el tamaño del corazón esta incrementado y su capacidad de bombeo está disminuida.
19 Apr 2024

The results, published in JACC, suggest that these factors could be used to predict the risk of developing dilated cardiomyopathy and adapt strategies for patient care and disease detection in genetic carriers of the disease

About the CNIC
29 Feb 2024
Catarina Tristão Pereira, Enrique Lara Pezzi, Raquel Toribio Fernández, Borja Ibáñez, Valentín Fuster, Sergio Callejas, Marta Cortés Canteli, Ana Dopazo, Pilar Martín, Inés García Lunar e Irene Fernández Nueda.
23 Jan 2024

The most potent genetic risk factor for Alzheimer disease, APOE4, is associated with an elevated risk of developing subclinical atherosclerosis in middle age, whereas the Alzheimer-protective variant of the same gene, APOE2, protects against subclinical atherosclerosis

Foto de grupo Jacardi
About the CNIC
29 Nov 2023

CNIC and the i+12 Institute co-lead one of the working groups of this initiative.

Representative results from participants showing atherosclerosis progression (left) and regression (disappearance of plaques, right) in arteries of the neck (carotids) and groin (femorals). Each image pair shows the results of the initial study at baseline and the follow-up study of the same artery 6 years later. The images show representative vascular ultrasound images on the right and 3-dimensional reconstructions on the left.
20 Nov 2023

Atherosclerosis, previously believed to be an irreversible progressive disease, can be reversed if risk factors are contolled early enough

David Sancho
About the CNIC
31 Oct 2023

Dr Sancho heads the CNIC Immunobiology Laboratory, whose work focuses on research into the function of dendritic cells and macrophages, as key immune cells that modulate immunity and inflammation, and the use of these cells in immunotherapy in a wide range of diseases

De izquierda a derecha: Cristina Sanchez-Ramos, Nieves Garcia-Quintans, David Morera, Mariya Lytvyn, Juan A Bernal, Mª Ángeles Sanguino, Daniel Martín Perez, Fernando de Benito, David Sanz y Emilio Camafeita
23 Oct 2023

This disease, which can trigger sudden death in elite athletes, is caused by genetic mutations that affect proteins responsible for connecting and coordinating the muscle cells (myocytes) in the myocardium the heart’s muscular wall

En primer plano: Emilio Camafeita, Rui Benedito y Macarena Fernández; detrás, de izda. a dcha., Ana Dopazo, Jesús Vázquez, Alberto Benguria, Mariya Lytvyn, Severin Muhleder, Sofía Sánchez, Lourdes García.
29 May 2023

The new study, published in Nature Cardiovascular Research, will help to select the most effective and safe way to modulate angiogenesis in ischemic tissues or in cancer