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E.g., 19/02/2025
E.g., 19/02/2025
Irene Fernández-Nueda, Carlos Cerón y Marta Cortés-Canteli
About the CNIC
15 Dec 2020

The BioClotAD project, coordinated by CNIC scientist Dr Marta Cortés Canteli, has been selected by the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)

About the CNIC
10 Dec 2020

AngioUnrestUHD, will develop and apply new research tools and methods to advance knowledge about the biology of blood vessels in distinct physiological and pathological contexts

27 Oct 2020

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in very elderly people.

16 Oct 2020

Researchers of IDIBAPS, the University of Barcelona and CNIC describes a new mechanism of innate immunity by which cells fight viruses and bacteria.

17 Sep 2020

The results published in Nature Metabolism could be useful to design new treatments for the obese and overweight, and for some associated pathologies, including fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes

16 Sep 2020

The study published in Cell shows that macrophages, a type of immune cell, help cardiac cells to get rid of their waste material, and that this maintains the metabolic and contractile properties of the heart

29 May 2020

The researcher Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is one of the greatest experts in the study of the mechanisms involved, cellular and biological, in regeneration in the planaria model

4 May 2020

The study shows that the replication of flu virus particles infecting the heart blocks the transmission of cardiac electrical impulses

Se muestra el corazón y tejidos anejos con la visualización de los vasos linfáticos y las células descendientes del segundo campo cardíaco en rojo.
10 Jan 2020

The international team led by CNIC researchers Drs Miguel Torres and Ghislaine Lioux found that the cardiac lymphatic vasculature does not have a single origin, but is instead formed by cells originating in a variety of tissues