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E.g., 22/07/2024
E.g., 22/07/2024
Atrial electroanatomic map of a pig with persistent AFib. The regions colored magenta, purple, and dark blue have high mean FM values. These regions maintain the AFib, and their ablation with a catheter stops the arrhythmia. The squares represent the sites of rotational activity, which are sensitive but not specific to the regions that maintain the fibrillation.
12 Sep 2019

The new study was conducted by investigators at the CNIC, the Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid, and the CiberCV research network and is featured on the cover of the latest edition of the journal Circulation Research

From left to right: Marta Román, Fernando Domínguez, Laura Padrón-Barthe, Pablo Garcia-Pavia, Giovanna Giovinazzo, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Demetrio J. Santiago, Javier Larrasa-Alonso
5 Sep 2019

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Puerta de Hierro hospital in Majadahonda have found a possible treatment for this disease

SRSF3 expression in adult cardiomyocytes. Pink staining shows SRSF3 expression in cell nuclei, which are stained blue. Green staining shows the presence of troponin, a sarcomere protein expressed in cardiomyocytes.
4 Jul 2019

A new study published in Circulation Research shows that loss of cardiac expression of SRSF3 leads to a critical reduction in the expression of genes related to contraction

8 Jan 2019

The expression on lymphocytes of the molecule CD69 inversely predicts the development of subclinical (symptom-free) atherosclerosis independently of classical cardiovascular risk factors

5 Mar 2018

Investigadores del CNIC, del CIBERCV y de la Universidad de Oviedo han creado el primer modelo de ratón con aterosclerosis acelerada por la proteína progerina

De izquierda a derecha, Emilio Camafeita, Vanessa Núñez, Cristina Clemente, Alicia G. Arroyo, Laura Alonso-Herranz, Cristina Rius y Vicente Andrés.
2 Mar 2018

The study, published in Nature Communications, shows that blockade of the protease MT4-MMP increases the activity of blood-patrolling monocytes in the circulation.

A 3-dimensional magnetic resonance image form a patient who has undergone an acute myocardial infarction. The heart is visible in the center of the image. Healthy (non-infarcted) cardiac muscle is indicated by asterisks, whereas arrows point to the infarcted region. MRI can reveal the extent of the area affected by inflammation after a heart attack (the yellow infarcted region marked by arrows). Serial MRI studies reveal thta this inflammatory reaction appears immediately after the infarction but then rapid
22 Aug 2017

The study overturns the dogma that infarction is followed by progressive repair of the injured myocardium.

Circulation Research: The CNIC A Successful Vision in Cardiovascular Research
20 Sep 2016

La revista Circulation Research publica un News & Views sobre los 10 años de investigación en el CNIC

Stanislao Travisano, José Luis de la Pompa, Gaetano D'Amato y Donal MacGrogan.
About the CNIC
25 Apr 2016

These genes form part of a signaling mechanism that is possibly altered in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), a prevalent condition that compromises cardiovascular health

6 Jun 2011

Según los resultados publicados en Circulation, una variante de calcineurina, es capaz de reducir el tamaño del infarto y mejorar la función cardiaca abriendo una nueva vía terapeútica