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E.g., 15/12/2024
E.g., 15/12/2024
Rebeca Piñeiro-Sabarís, Marcos Siguero-Álvarez, Donald McGrogan y José Luis de la Pompa.
5 Jul 2023

A multicenter study published in JAMA Cardiology and co-led by scientists at Hadassah Medical Center, Sheba Medical Center, and the CNIC could help in the design of future pharmacological treatments for bicuspid aortic valve

La figura muestra imágenes mediante resonancia magnética cardíaca (A y B) y tomografía computarizada (C y D) de un corazón en diástole (A y C) y sístole (B y D) para el cálculo de la función de ambos ventrículos. VD: Ventrículo derecho; VI: Ventrículo izquierdo.
12 Dec 2022

The results of the SPHERE-HF study are published in the European Journal of Heart Failure. SPHERE-HF is a multicenter academic clinical trial led by investigators at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

Juan Domingo Gisbert
About the CNIC
24 Jun 2022

Juan Domingo Gispert López, head of the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center and CNIC (Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research) researcher

About the CNIC
27 Jan 2022

Five of the past award winners of this award subsequently received the Nobel Prize

Daño local en las fibras musculares tras el ejercicio. Visualización del daño local en fibras de músculo esquelético (soleous y gastro) de ratón joven tras el ejercicio, mediante la tinción con marcadores de daño local como Filamina C (verde) y Evans Blue (rojo), y los núcleos (en azul) de fibras.
18 Oct 2021

Researchers from the National Center for Cardiovascular Research and the Pompeu Fabra University describe in Science a new mechanism for muscle regeneration after physiological damage

Dra. Sabio
About the CNIC
17 Jun 2021

The jury acknowledged this CNIC researcher's contribution to understanding why obesity causes cardiometabolic diseases.

13 Oct 2020

A new study, published in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, describes a tool for modulating nanomotors powered by enzymes, broadening their potential biomedical and environmental applications

Dr. Filip Swirski
About the CNIC
28 Feb 2020

Dr. Filip Swirski is associate professor at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) and one of the leading experts on the relationship between sleep and heart disease

Dr. José María Mendiguren, Director de Servicios Médicos de Banco Santander, Leticia Fernández-Friera, cardióloga del CNIC y del Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe, y Dr. Valentín Fuster, Director del CNIC.
26 Mar 2019

The results, published in JACC, demonstrate the potential of this technology to generate images of the inflammation associated with systemic atherosclerosis; this information will be useful for the study of early stages of this disease and will help to identify individuals who will benefit from early medical intervention