Resultados de la búsqueda

Mondejar-Parreño G, Sanchez-Perez P, Cruz FM, Jalife J. Promising tools for future drug discovery and development in antiarrhythmic therapy. Pharmacol Rev (2024) Oct 15 [Epub ahead of print]
Cruz FM, Macías Á, Moreno-Manuel AI, Gutiérrez LK, Vera-Pedrosa ML, Martínez-Carrascoso I, Sánchez Pérez P, Ruiz Robles JM, Bermúdez-Jiménez FJ, Díaz-Agustín A, Martínez de Benito F, Arias-Santiago S, Braza-Boils A, Martín-Martínez M, Gutierrez-Rodríguez M, Bernal JA, Zorio E, Jiménez-Jaimez J, Jalife J. Extracellular Kir2.1C122Y Mutant Upsets Kir2.1-PIP2 Bonds and Is Arrhythmogenic in Andersen-Tawil Syndrome Circ Res (2024) 134:e52-e71.
Moreno-Arciniegas A, García A, Kelm M, D'Amore F, da Silva MG, Sánchez-González J, Sánchez PL, López-Fernández T, Córdoba R, Asteggiano R, Camus V, Smink J, Ferreira A, Kersten MJ, Bolaños N, Escalera N, Pacella E, Gómez-Talavera S, Quesada A, Rosselló X, Ibanez B; RESILIENCE Trial Investigators. Rationale and design of RESILIENCE: A prospective randomized clinical trial evaluating remote ischaemic conditioning for the prevention of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Eur J Heart Fail (2024) Aug 30 [Epub ahead of print]
Gómez-Del Arco P, Isern J, Jimenez-Carretero D, López-Maderuelo D, Piñeiro-Sabarís R, El Abdellaoui-Soussi F, Torroja C, Vera-Pedrosa ML, Grima-Terrén M, Benguria A, Simón-Chica A, Queiro-Palou A, Dopazo A, Sánchez-Cabo F, Jalife J, de la Pompa JL, Filgueiras-Rama D, Muñoz-Cánoves P, Redondo JM. he G4 resolvase Dhx36 modulates cardiomyocyte differentiation and ventricular conduction system development. Nat Commun (2024) 15:8602
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Aksu T, Brignole M, Calo L, Debruyne P, Di Biase L, Deharo JC, Fanciulli A, Fedorowski A, Kulakowski P, Morillo C, Moya A, Piotrowski R, Stec S, Sutton R, van Dijk JG, Wichterle D, Tse HF, Yao Y, Sheldon RS, Vaseghi M, Pachon JC, Scanavacca M. Cardioneuroablation for the treatment of reflex syncope and functional bradyarrhythmias. A Scientific Statement of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the ESC, the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and the Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS). Europace (2024) 26:euae206
Goette A, Corradi D, Dobrev D, Aguinaga L, Cabrera JA, Chugh SS, de Groot JR, Soulat-Dufour L, Fenelon G, Hatem SN, Jalife J, Lin YJ, Lip GYH, Marcus GM, Murray KT, Pak HN, Schotten U, Takahashi N, Yamaguchi T, Zoghbi WA, Nattel S. Atrial Cardiomyopathy Revisited - Evolution of a Concept. A Clinical Consensus Statement of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the ESC, the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the Asian Pacific Heart Rhythm Association (APHRS), and the Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS). Europace (2024) Jul 30 [Epub ahead of print]
Chew DS, Morillo CA. Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Older Adults: Is Age in the Eye of the Beholder? Can J Cardiol (2024) S0828-282X:00193-4.
Gutiérrez LK, Moreno-Manuel AI, Jalife J. Kir2.1-NaV1.5 channelosome and its role in arrhythmias in inheritable cardiac diseases. Heart Rhythm (2024) 21:630-646.
Loaiza R, Fattahi F, Kalbitz M, Grailer JJ, Russell MW, Jalife J, Valdivia HH, Zetoune FS, Ward PA. The Impact of Extracellular Histones and Absence of Toll-like Receptors on Cardiac Functional and Electrical Disturbances in Mouse Hearts. Int J Mol Sci (2024) 25:8653
Aksu T, Morillo CA, Zerpa JC. Foreword neuromodulation for antiarrhythmic therapy. J INTERV CARD ELECTR (2024) Aug 10 [Epub ahead of print]
