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Enríquez-Vázquez D, Quintanilla JG, García-Escolano A, Couselo-Seijas M, Simón-Chica A, Lee P, Alfonso-Almazán JM, Mahía P, Redondo-Rodríguez A, Modrego J, Ortega-Hernández A, Marcos-Alberca P, Magni R, Calvo E, Gómez-Gordo R, Yan P, La Rosa G, Bustamante-Madrión J, Pérez-García CN, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Calvo D, de la Hera JM, García-Torrent MJ, García-Osuna Á, Ordonez-Llanos J, Vázquez J, Pérez-Villacastín J, Pérez-Castellano N, Loew LM, Sánchez-González J, Gómez-Garre D, Filgueiras-Rama D. Non-invasive electromechanical assessment during atrial fibrillation identifies underlying atrial myopathy alterations with early prognostic value. Nat Commun (2023) 14:4613
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Merino-Caviedes S, Martín-Fernández M, Pérez Rodríguez MT, Martín-Fernández MÁ, Filgueiras-Rama D, Simmross-Wattenberg F, Alberola-López C. Computing thickness of irregularly-shaped thin walls using a locally semi-implicit scheme with extrapolation to solve the Laplace equation: Application to the right ventricle. Comput Biol Med (2023) 169:107855
Porta-Sánchez A, Mazzanti A, Tarifa C, Kukavica D, Trancuccio A, Mohsin M, Zanfrini E, Perota A, Duchi R, Hernandez-Lopez K, Jáuregui-Abularach ME, Pergola V, Fernandez E, Bongianino R, Tavazzani E, Gambelli P, Memmi M, Scacchi S, Pavarino LF, Franzone P, Lentini G, Filgueiras-Rama D, Galli C, Santiago DJ, Priori SG. Unexpected impairment of INa underpins reentrant arrhythmias in a knock-in swine model of Timothy síndrome. Nature Cardiovascular Research (2023) 2:1291–1309
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Romero-Becerra R, Cruz FM, Mora A, López JA, Ponce-Balbuena D, Allan A, Ramos-Mondragón R, González-Terán B, León M, Rodríguez ME, Leiva-Vega L, Guerrero-Serna G, Jimenez-Vazquez EN, Filgueiras-Rama D, Vázquez J, Jalife J, Sabio G. p38 delta activation alters cardiac electrical activity and predisposes to ventricular arrhythmia Nature Cardiovascular Research (2023) Nov 27 [Epub ahead of print]
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Romero-Becerra R, Mora A, Manieri E, Nikolic I, Santamans AM, Montalvo-Romeral V, Cruz FM, Rodríguez E, León M, Leiva-Vega L, Sanz L, Bondía V, Filgueiras-Rama D, Jiménez-Borreguero LJ, Jalife J, Gonzalez-Teran B, Sabio G. MKK6 deficiency promotes cardiac dysfunction through MKK3-p38gamma/delta-mTOR hyperactivation. eLife (2022) 11
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Macías Á, Díaz-Larrosa JJ, Blanco Y, Fanjul V, González-Gómez C, Gonzalo P, Andrés-Manzano MJ, da Rocha AM, Ponce-Balbuena D, Allan A, Filgueiras-Rama D, Jalife J, Andrés V Paclitaxel mitigates structural alterations and cardiac conduction system defects in a mouse model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome Cardiovasc Res (2022) 118:503-516
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Filgueiras-Rama D, Vasilijevic J, Jalife J, Noujaim SN, Alfonso JM, Nicolas-Avila JA, Gutierrez C, Zamarreno N, Hidalgo A, Bernabe A, Cop CP, Ponce-Balbuena D, Guerrero-Serna G, Calle D, Desco M, Ruiz-Cabello J, Nieto A, Falcon A Human Influenza A virus causes myocardial and cardiac-specific conduction system infection associated with early inflammation and premature death Cardiovasc Res (2021) 117:876-889
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Quintanilla JG, Shpun S, Jalife J, Filgueiras-Rama D Novel approaches to mechanism-based atrial fibrillation ablation Cardiovasc Res (2021) 117:1662-1681
Merino-Caviedes S, Gutierrez LK, Alfonso-Almazán JM, Sanz-Estébanez S, Cordero-Grande L, Quintanilla JG, Sánchez-González J, Marina-Breysse M, Galán-Arriola C, Enríquez-Vázquez D, Torres C, Pizarro G, Ibáñez B, Peinado R, Merino JL, Pérez-Villacastín J, Jalife J, López-Yunta M, Vázquez M, Aguado-Sierra J, González-Ferrer JJ, Pérez-Castellano N, Martín-Fernández M, Alberola-López C, Filgueiras-Rama D Time-efficient three-dimensional transmural scar assessment provides relevant substrate characterization for ventricular tachycardia features and long-term recurrences in ischemic cardiomyopathy Sci Rep (2021) 11:18722
Marina-Breysse Manuel, García-Escolano Alba, Vila-García Joaquín, Reale-Nosei Gabriel, Alfonso-Almazán José M., Yan Ping, Quintanilla Jorge G., Loew Leslie M., Lee Peter, Filgueiras-Rama David A Complete and Low-Cost Cardiac Optical Mapping System in Translational Animal Models Front Physiol (2021) 12:696270
Lillo-Castellano JM, Gonzalez-Ferrer JJ, Marina-Breysse M, Martinez-Ferrer JB, Perez-Alvarez L, Alzueta J, Martinez JG, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez-Perez JC, Anguera I, Vinolas X, Garcia-Alberola A, Quintanilla JG, Alfonso-Almazan JM, Garcia J, Borrego L, Canadas-Godoy V, Perez-Castellano N, Perez-Villacastin J, Jimenez-Diaz J, Jalife J, Filgueiras-Rama D Personalized monitoring of electrical remodelling during atrial fibrillation progression via remote transmissions from implantable devices Europace (2020) 22:704-15
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Quintanilla JG, Alfonso-Almazan JM, Perez-Castellano N, Pandit SV, Jalife J, Perez-Villacastin J, Filgueiras-Rama D Instantaneous Amplitude and Frequency Modulations Detect The Footprint of Rotational Activity and Reveal Stable Driver Regions as Targets for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Circ Res (2019) 125:609-27
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Lee P, Quintanilla JG, Alfonso-Almazan JM, Galan-Arriola C, Yan P, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Perez-Castellano N, Perez-Villacastin J, Ibanez B, Loew LM, Filgueiras-Rama D. In-Vivo Ratiometric Optical Mapping Enables High-Resolution Cardiac Electrophysiology in Pig Models. Cardiovasc Res (2019) 115:1659-71
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Lopez-Yunta M, Leon DG, Alfonso-Almazan JM, Marina-Breysse M, Quintanilla JG, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Galan-Arriola C, Canadas-Godoy V, Enriquez-Vazquez D, Torres C, Ibanez B, Perez-Villacastin J, Perez-Castellano N, Jalife J, Vazquez M, Aguado-Sierra J, Filgueiras-Rama D. Implications of bipolar voltage mapping and magnetic resonance imaging resolution in biventricular scar characterization after myocardial infarction. Europace (2019) 21:163-174
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Leon DG, Lopez-Yunta M, Alfonso-Almazan JM, Marina-Breysse M, Quintanilla JG, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Galan-Arriola C, Castro-Nunez F, Gonzalez-Ferrer JJ, Ibanez B, Perez-Villacastin J, Perez-Castellano N, Fuster V, Jalife J, Vazquez M, Aguado-Sierra J, Filgueiras-Rama D. Three-dimensional cardiac fibre disorganization as a novel parameter for ventricular arrhythmia stratification after myocardial infarction. Europace (2019) 21:822-32
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Alfonso-Almazan JM, Quintanilla JG, Garcia-Torrent MJ, Laguna-Castro S, Rodriguez-Bobada C, Gonzalez P, Gonzalez-Ferrer JJ, Salinas P, Canadas-Godoy V, Moreno J, Borrego-Bernabe L, Perez-Castellano N, Jalife J, Perez-Villacastin J, Filgueiras-Rama D Lesion Index Titration Using Contact-Force Technology Enables Safe and Effective Radiofrequency Lesion Creation at the Root of the Aorta and Pulmonary Artery Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol (2019) 12:e007080
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Calvo D, Filgueiras-Rama D, Jalife J. Mechanisms and Drug Development in Atrial Fibrillation. Pharmacol Rev (2018) 70:505-25
Lillo-Castellano JM, Marina-Breysse M, Gomez-Gallanti A, Martinez-Ferrer JB, Alzueta J, Perez-Alvarez L, Alberola A, Fernandez-Lozano I, Rodriguez A, Porro R, Anguera I, Fontenla A, Gonzalez-Ferrer JJ, Canadas-Godoy V, Perez-Castellano N, Garofalo D, Salvador-Montanes O, Calvo CJ, Quintanilla JG, Peinado R, Mora-Jimenez I, Perez-Villacastin J, Rojo-Alvarez JL, Filgueiras-Rama D. Safety threshold of R-wave amplitudes in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Heart (2016) 102:1662-70
Filgueiras-Rama D, Calvo CJ, Salvador-Montanes O, Cadenas R, Ruiz-Cantador J, Armada E, Rey JR, Merino JL, Peinado R, Perez-Castellano N, Perez-Villacastin J, Quintanilla JG, Jimenez S, Castells F, Chorro FJ, Lopez-Sendon JL, Berenfeld O, Jalife J, de Sa EL, Millet J Spectral analysis-based risk score enables early prediction of mortality and cerebral performance in patients undergoing therapeutic hypothermia for ventricular fibrillation and comatose status Int J Cardiol (2015) 186:250-8
Martins RP, Kaur K, Hwang E, Ramirez RJ, Willis BC, Filgueiras-Rama D, Ennis SR, Takemoto Y, Ponce-Balbuena D, Zarzoso M, O'Connell RP, Musa H, Guerrero-Serna G, Avula UM, Swartz MF, Bhushal S, Deo M, Pandit SV, Berenfeld O, Jalife J. Dominant Frequency Increase Rate Predicts Transition from Paroxysmal to Long-Term Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation (2014) 129:1472-82