Initial Training Network in cardiovascular Research (CardioNeT)
Initial Training Network in cardiovascular Research (CardioNeT)
CardioNeT integrates molecular and cellular biology approaches together with bioinformatic analysis, preclinical models and clinical data in order to aid the understanding of the regulation of heart development, homeostasis and disease.
The project is funded under the Marie Curie Initial Training Network scheme (ITN) as part of the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and will run from the January 1 2012 to December 31 2015.
During the 4-year duration of the project a total of 15 fellows in the early stage of their career plus 2 experienced researchers will receive training in all areas of cardiovascular research.
The Network integrates 17 research groups from 8 academic institutions and 4 private companies distributed across 6 European countries, and is further supported by 2 associated partners.
Título y acrónimo Initial Training Network in cardiovascular Research (acrónimo: CardioNeT)
Duración y fecha de inicio 4 años (01/01/2012 - 31/12/2015)
Agencia financiadora Research Executive Agency
Coordinado por CNIC
Grupos Miguel Torres | José Luis De la Pompa | Enrique Lara