15/01/2024 - 09:00 |
17/01/2024 - 09:00 |
168019/1100098194-10 |
Calibrator Automated HDL (2x3x1ml), Ref: 10464328 (DC48B), 2 unidades |
15/01/2024 - 09:00 |
17/01/2024 - 09:00 |
167936/1100098185-10 |
Rotulador Permanente rojo, Ref:183158, 10 unidades |
15/01/2024 - 09:00 |
17/01/2024 - 09:00 |
167936/1100098184-10 |
Rotulador Permanente azul. Ref.:183147, 10 unidades |
15/01/2024 - 09:00 |
17/01/2024 - 09:00 |
168017/1100098193-10 |
Suscripción anual, International Society for Transgenic Technologies Inc. (ISTT, Inc.) |
15/01/2024 - 08:30 |
17/01/2024 - 08:30 |
168013/1100098192-10 |
Zueco Crocs Bistro Unisex blanco T:37-38, 1 par |
12/01/2024 - 14:00 |
16/01/2024 - 14:00 |
167942/1100098163-10 |
Custom Oligo (9 un, Desalt, Scale (uMole):0,025) |
12/01/2024 - 14:00 |
16/01/2024 - 14:00 |
168004/1100098190-10 |
Custom Oligo (24 un, Desalt, Scale (uMole):0,025) |
12/01/2024 - 13:30 |
16/01/2024 - 13:30 |
167979/1100098183-10 |
Mini-protean Comb 15W 1.0 mm 26 μl, Ref.:1653360, 1 unidad |
12/01/2024 - 13:00 |
16/01/2024 - 13:00 |
167992/1100098179-10 |
Impresión poster A0 a color en tela, 1 unidad |
Más información
Impresión poster A0 a color en tela, 1 unidad Asistencia al Congreso EMBO Workshop - The New Cardiobiology
Heidelberg 20-23 de febrero 2024, (Alemania) |
12/01/2024 - 13:00 |
16/01/2024 - 13:00 |
167980/1100098168+10 |
Dosis 18F Fluoruro 50mCi, 1 dosis |
12/01/2024 - 12:00 |
16/01/2024 - 12:00 |
167984/1100098172-10 |
Suscripción anual, International Society for Transgenic Technologies Inc. (ISTT, Inc.) |
12/01/2024 - 12:00 |
16/01/2024 - 12:00 |
167984/1100098173-10 |
Suscripción anual, International Society for Transgenic Technologies Inc. (ISTT, Inc.) |
12/01/2024 - 12:00 |
16/01/2024 - 12:00 |
167984/1100098174-10 |
Suscripción anual, International Society for Transgenic Technologies Inc. (ISTT, Inc.) |
12/01/2024 - 11:30 |
16/01/2024 - 11:30 |
167986/1100098176-10 |
Sera Micron Nature 50 ml (25 g), Ref: 45474, 30 unidades |
12/01/2024 - 11:30 |
16/01/2024 - 11:30 |
167987/1100098175-10 |
Secuenciación de ADN en tubo, Ref: S-1, 6 unidades |
12/01/2024 - 11:00 |
16/01/2024 - 11:00 |
167904/1100098150-10 |
Custom Oligo (3 un, Desalt, Scale (uMole):0,025) |
12/01/2024 - 08:20 |
16/01/2024 - 08:30 |
167905/1100098150-20 |
Custom Oligo (6 un, Desalt, Scale (uMole):0,025) |
11/01/2024 - 17:00 |
15/01/2024 - 17:00 |
167842/1100098101-10 |
Custom Oligo (4 un, Standard Desalting, HPLC, 0.5 nmole) |
11/01/2024 - 14:00 |
15/01/2024 - 14:00 |
167935/1100098149-10 |
Secuenciación de ADN en tubo, Ref: S-1, 21 unidades |
11/01/2024 - 13:00 |
15/01/2024 - 13:00 |
167924_167918/1100098152-10_1100098146-10 |
Pub."Apolipoprotein E-ε2 and resistance to atherosclerosis in midlife: the PESA observational study" (VF) |
11/01/2024 - 12:30 |
15/01/2024 - 12:30 |
167915/1100098151-10 |
Cubetas Star 4, transparente, 150 tiras, Ref: 38876, 2 unidades |
11/01/2024 - 11:00 |
15/01/2024 - 11:00 |
167864/1100098105-30 |
Custom Oligo (2 un, Standard Desalting, 25 nmole) |
11/01/2024 - 10:30 |
15/01/2024 - 10:30 |
167863/1100098105-20 |
Custom Oligo (3 un, Standard Desalting, 25 nmole) |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-7 |
Marcador Fluorescente verde, ref: 149231, 50un |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-6 |
Boligrafo Negro BIC, ref: 130043, 1000un |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-5 |
Marcador Fluorescente Naranja, ref: 149377, 50 un |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-4 |
Tippex Liquido, ref: 139839, 10un |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-3 |
Boligrafo Azul BIC, ref: 130008, 1000un |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-2 |
Tijeras de 21cm, ref: 1493349, 20 unidades |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
15/01/2024 - 09:30 |
3400006372-1 |
Tippex Cinta 4 MM, ref: 5421133, 200un |
11/01/2024 - 09:00 |
15/01/2024 - 09:00 |
167906/1100098143-10 |
Custom Oligo (8 un, Desalt, Scale (uMole):0,025) |
10/01/2024 - 15:30 |
12/01/2024 - 15:30 |
167898/1100098141-30 |
Separador Caja Trans Animal Grande 430mm, Ref: 1/4DIVIDER, 50 unidades |
10/01/2024 - 15:30 |
12/01/2024 - 15:30 |
167898/1100098141-20 |
Caja Transp Animal Grande 430x300x160mm, Ref: SL-420/300-1/2, 100 unidades |
10/01/2024 - 15:30 |
12/01/2024 - 15:30 |
167898/1100098141-10 |
Caja Transp Animal Pequeña 300X215X160mm, Ref: PBS-3021-F, 100 unidades |
10/01/2024 - 14:30 |
12/01/2024 - 14:30 |
167894/1100098125-10 |
Anuncio de empleo. Convocatoria: COFUND, 1 unidad |
10/01/2024 - 13:30 |
12/01/2024 - 13:30 |
167875/1100098122-30 |
Custom Oligo (1 un, (rhAmp™ SNP Assay, XS, 100 rxn ), 18 μM) |
10/01/2024 - 13:00 |
12/01/2024 - 13:00 |
167889/1100098137-10 |
Suscripcion AMAZON Premium Cuota 2024 |
10/01/2024 - 13:03 |
12/01/2024 - 13:00 |
167883/1100098136-10 |
Tóner HP LaserJet 135A (W1350A) negro, Ref: 14319745, 2 unidades |
10/01/2024 - 12:00 |
12/01/2024 - 12:00 |
167878/1100098118-10 |
Custom Oligo (6 un, Desalt, Scale (uMole):0,025) |
10/01/2024 - 09:00 |
12/01/2024 - 09:00 |
167851/1100098115-10 |
Suscripción anual Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM) |
Más información
Suscripción anual Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM)
10/01/2024 - 08:30 |
12/01/2024 - 08:30 |
167831/1100098106-10 |
Jardiance 10mg 30 comprimidos, 30 cajas |
10/01/2024 - 08:30 |
12/01/2024 - 08:30 |
167715/1100098111-10 |
Polyethylenimine, Linear, MW 25000; Ref 23966-1; 1unidad |
10/01/2024 - 07:00 |
12/01/2024 - 07:00 |
00167873/1100098113-10 |
Stemolecule PD0325901 (2mg) ; ref:24804-0006; 1 unidad |
10/01/2024 - 07:00 |
12/01/2024 - 07:00 |
00167873/1100098113-10 |
Stemolecule PD0325901 (2mg) ; ref:24804-0006; 1 unidad |
09/01/2024 - 15:30 |
11/01/2024 - 15:30 |
167848/1100098097-10 |
Rotulador permanente rojo, modelo 318-2, Ref: 183158, 10 unidades |
09/01/2024 - 14:30 |
11/01/2024 - 14:30 |
167856/1100098104-10 |
Filtro cartucho carbón activo, 6pcs/pk, ref: RWD-R510-31-6, 10 paquetes |
09/01/2024 - 09:30 |
11/01/2024 - 09:30 |
167830/1100098089-10 |
Midazolam 50 mg 10 ml (10amp/caja), 25 unidades |
09/01/2024 - 08:00 |
11/01/2024 - 08:00 |
167832/1100098079-10-30-50-70-90 |
Dosis 18F-FDG 10 mCi Animal Grande, Ref:PET0300001, 10 unidades |
08/01/2024 - 16:30 |
10/01/2024 - 16:30 |
167823/1100098078-10 |
Impresión Tesis Tapa Blanda Color A4, Ref: T1010, 10 unidades |
08/01/2024 - 14:30 |
10/01/2024 - 15:00 |
167820/1100098084-40 |
Ketamidor (100mg/ml), 50ml, Ref.100378: 30 unidades |