Postdoctoral Investigator for the Transgenesis Unit
The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) CNIC has been conceived to develop research of excellence, competitive and of international relevance in relation to cardiovascular diseases. CNIC has a research center of 24,000 m2, located in Madrid, with more than 6,000 m2 for laboratories equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment.
Responsibilities of the work performed in the Transgenesis Unit:
- Handling and management of experimental models
- In vitro culture and transference of experimental models
- Computational analysis using bioinformatics DB and genomic tools for CrispR-Cas9 designs
- Work with CRISPR-Cas9 system for generation of experimental models
- Use basic and advanced techniques of molecular biology and biochemistry
- Production of experimental models by microinjection or electroporation
- In vitro processes for generation of experimental models
- Cryopreservation of experimental models (embryo and sperm)
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in experimental models
- Obtaining and handling embryos in large experimental models.
- Production of genetically modified experimental models (by microinjection or electroporation)
- Experience in handling techniques in large experimental models
- Transferences processes in large experimental models
Mandatory Requirements:
- Ph.D. in biological or medical sciences
- Be accredited to work with experimental models, Functions B and C, in accordance with Order ECC/566/2015.
Valuable requirements:
- C1. Working experience (at least 4 years) in research laboratories or facilities involving transgenesis or experimental models reproduction. Please specify those transgenesis-related techniques that were used.
- C2. Working experience in research laboratories executing molecular biology and genomics analysis. Please specify those molecular biology-related techniques that were used.
- C3. Working experience in transgenesis with large experimental models
- C4. Experience in managing colonies of experimental models.
- C5. Experience working in scientific institutions abroad.
- C6. Publications in scientific journals
- C7. Interview
Positive action: a correction index of 1.5 is established for each year of experience in the evaluation of the number of years in those criteria where experience is evaluated, in the event that the disable person greater than 66% and 1.2 in the event that the disable person greater than 30%.
We offer:
- Joining a modern Research Center of international relevance in the scientific field.
- Integration into young teams in an environment of scientific excellence.
- Access to a modern infrastructure with the most advanced technology.
- “Contrato de duración indefinida de acuerdo con la Tasa de reposición ordinaria, autorizada por el Ministerio de Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública para 2024, según resolución de la Dirección General de la Función Pública. N/REF 240206 (disposición adicional vigésima segunda de la Ley 31/2022, de 23 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el año 2023)”, as long as the selected candidate complies with the legal requirements for the formalization of the contract in accordance with the Spanish labor law.
Selection plan:
The RESOLUTION OF THE SECRETARIAT OF STATE FOR PUBLIC FUNCTION APPROVING THE COMMON ACTION CRITERIA FOR THE RECRUITMENT PROCESSES IN THE STATE PUBLIC SECTOR ENTITIES of April 11, 2022, sets forth in point 6.1 that “Unless a specific regulation establishes a merit-bases recruitment system (“concurso”), the competition (“concurso-oposición”) must be the recruitment system”.
In CNIC, the specific regulations approved by the Foundation's board of trustees establish a merit-based recruitment system (“concurso”) including a personal interview.
At least the 3 candidates with the highest score, as long as they reach the minimum of 60 points as a sum of criteria (C1-C6), will be interviewed. The three candidates with the highest score will be hired given the candidate reaches at least total score (C1-C7) of 70 points
Composition of the Selection Committee:
- Head of the Transgenesis Unit
- Research Office Manager
- Research Office Manager
- Research Office Coordinator
- HR Member
The CNIC guarantees, in its field of action, the principle of equality in access to employment, and cannot establish any discrimination, direct or indirect, based on reasons of origin, including racial or ethnic, sex, age, marital status, religion or convictions, political opinion, sexual orientation and identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, union affiliation, social condition, language within the State and disability, provided that the workers are in conditions of aptitude to carry out the work or employment for which try they are assigned.
By participating in the selection process, the participant agrees that their data appear in the public resolutions of the selection process. Such resolutions (provisional list of admitted and excluded, definitive list of admitted and excluded and resolution of the process) are published on the CNIC website
"En caso de ausencia de alguno de los evaluadores se nombrará un evaluador alternativo de la misma área"
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