Head of the Portfolio Management Office (PMO) and Knowledge Transfer Office (OTC)

Fin del plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 
Miércoles, 27 Noviembre, 2024

The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) CNIC has been conceived to develop research of excellence, competitive and of international relevance in relation to cardiovascular diseases. The CNIC has a research center of 24,000 m2, located in Madrid, with more than 6,000 m2 for laboratories equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment.


The Portfolio Management Office at CNIC is a structure responsible for overseeing, coordinating and optimizing the management and funding of projects, programs, and portfolios that support the CNIC’s strategic objectives.

The PMO helps to identify, evaluate, and select the calls most aligned with organizational strategy. It uses specific criteria to prioritize those with the highest value or impact.

Resource Optimization: It seeks to maximize the efficient use of resources by identifying needs and ensuring that projects have the necessary funding for personnel, consumables and equipment.

Methodology Standardization: The PMO establishes standards, methodologies, and best practices for call applications, both national and international, project execution, ensuring consistent management throughout the organization and collaboration in projects economic justification before the agencies. 

Monitoring and Control: It continuously tracks project progress, measuring performance, managing risks, and reporting portfolio status to senior management.

Strategic Alignment: It ensures that all projects support the organization's strategic objectives and that any changes or adjustments in the portfolio are justified by a shift in strategic priorities.

Support and Training: It provides training and support to laboratories and units teams and offers management tools, such as call dissemination, timing, planning and control.

The PMO also integrates the new Knowledge Transfer Offices according to Real Decreto 984/2022, de 22 de noviembre, por el que se establecen las Oficinas de Transferencia de Conocimiento y se crea su Registro. (Oficinas de Transferencia del Conocimiento)


Essential requirements:

  1. Master's or PhD in biomedicine, or alternatively  Degree in any other field, with at least seven years' experience in managing calls and R&D&I projects for funding, both public and private, national and international.
  2. Accredited experience of at five years in management positions in project offices and OTRIs in research centres or universities (specify in the CV) (Forty months for disable people greater than 66% and fifty months for disable people greater than 33%).

Valuable requirements:

  • C1. Specific experience in the management of European projects, preferably in the health and biomedicine sector, in calls of the European Research Council (ERC) in any of its modalities (StG, CoG, AdG, PoC, SyG), and/or H2020 calls for health, and/or other international programmes (Health Programme projects, consortia, ITNs, HFSP, NIH, AHA, etc.). The CV must specify the types of calls managed
  • C2. Experience in managing research projects for national calls
  • C3. Additional experience in scientific project management offices and OTRIs in research centres or universities, preferably in management or coordination tasks.
  • C4. Experience in training provided to researchers in project management and OTRIs.
  • C5. Experience in coordinating consulting companies in matters of projects, patents and legal advice on technology transfer.
  • C6. Experience in evaluating European Commission projects and/or national R&D programmes.
  • C7. Fluent English as the usual language of management in the international field.
  • C8. Interview.
  • Positive action: a correction index of 1.5 is established for each year of experience in the evaluation of the number of years in those criteria where experience is evaluated, in the event that the person has a disability higher than 66% and 1.2 in the event that the person has a disability higher than 33%.

On offer:

• Incorporation into a modern Research Centre of international relevance in the biomedical field.

• Environment of scientific excellence.

• Access to a modern facility and building in Madrid city

• “Contrato de duración indefinida”, in accordance with the “Resolución conjunta de la Dirección General de Costes de Personal y de la Dirección General de la Función Pública.  N/REF. 220476*2353/2022 (disposición adicional cuarta del real Decreto Ley 32/2021, de 28 de diciembre, de medidas urgentes para la reforma laboral, la garantía de estabilidad en el empleo y la transformación del mercado de trabajo”, as long as the selected candidate complies with the legal requirements for the formalization of the contract in accordance with the Spanish labor law.

• Immediate incorporation

Selection plan:

The RESOLUTION OF THE SECRETARIAT OF STATE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE APPROVING THE COMMON PERFORMANCE CRITERIA IN THE SELECTION PROCESSES OF THE ENTITIES OF THE STATE PUBLIC SECTOR of April 11, 2022, establishes in point 6.1 that “Unless a specific regulation provides for the selective competition system, the selective system will be the competition-opposition”

In the case of CNIC, the specific regulations approved by the Foundation's board of trustees establish a selective competition system with an interview phase.

The 3 candidates who obtain the highest score will be interviewed, provided that they reach the total of 65 points in the sum of the evaluable criteria (C1- C7). The candidate with the highest score will be hired, provided that they reach 80 points (C1-C8).

Maximum duration of the selection process

In accordance with art. 2.2 of Law 20/2021, of December 28, on urgent measures to reduce temporary employment in public employment and the “Resolution of the Secretary of State for Public Service approving the common criteria for action in the selection processes of entities in the sector” of 04/11/2022, the process will be resolved before December 31, 2024.

Recruitment Commission:


The CNIC guarantees, within its field of action, the principle of equal access to employment, and may not establish any direct or indirect discrimination, based on grounds of origin, including racial or ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, religion or beliefs, political opinion, sexual orientation and identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, trade union membership, social status, language within the State and disability, provided that workers are fit to perform the work or job in question.

By participating in the selection process, the participant agrees that their data appear in the public resolutions of the selection process. Such resolutions (provisional list of admitted and excluded, definitive list of admitted and excluded and resolution of the process) are published on the CNIC website.


Score Criteria:

C1. Specific experience in managing European projects, preferably in the health and biomedical sector, in calls from the European Research Council (ERC) in one of its modalities (StG, CoG, AdG, PoC, SyG), and/or H2020 calls for health, and/or other international programmes (Health Programme projects, consortia, ITNs, HFSP, NIH, AHA, etc.). The CV must specify the modalities of calls managed (it will be assessed as a whole according to the time/specialty relationship). 25%

C2. Experience in managing research projects for national calls (it will be assessed as a whole according to the time/specialty relationship). 15%

C3. Experience in scientific project management offices or OTRIs in research centres or universities, preferably in management or coordination tasks (it will be assessed as a whole according to the time/specialty relationship). 20%

C4. Experience in training provided to researchers in project management and OTRIs. (it will be assessed as a whole according to the time/specialty relationship). 5%

C5. Experience in coordinating consulting companies in the field of projects, patents and legal advice on technology transfer (it will be assessed as a whole according to the time/specialty relationship). 5%

C6. Experience in evaluating European Commission projects and/or national R&D programs (it will be assessed as a whole according to the time/specialty relationship). 5%

C7. Fluent English as the usual language of management in the international field (It will be assessed based on accredited English training). 5%

C8. Interview. 20%

Criterios de puntuación: 
C1 - Specific experience in managing European projects - 25%
C2 - Experience in managing research projects for national calls - 15%
C3 - Experience in scientific project management offices or OTRIs in research centres or universities, preferably in management or coordination tasks - 20%
C4 - Experience in training provided to researchers in project management and OTRIs - 5%
C5 - Experience in coordinating consulting companies in the field of projects, patents and legal advice on technology transfer - 5%
C6 - Experience in evaluating European Commission projects and/or national R&D programs - 5%
C7 - Fluent English as the usual language of management in the international field - 5%
C8 - Interview - 20%

"En caso de ausencia de alguno de los evaluadores se nombrará un evaluador alternativo de la misma área"