Dr Guadalupe Sabio awarded the Banco Sabadell Foundation Prize for Biomedical Research

17 Jun 2021
About the CNIC
  • Dra. Sabio

The jury acknowledged this CNIC researcher's contribution to understanding why obesity causes cardiometabolic diseases.

La Fundación Banco Sabadell ha concedido a la investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), la Dra. Guadalupe Sabio Buzo, el Premio a la Investigación Biomédica, por sus aportaciones para entender por qué la obesidad causa enfermedades cardiometabólicas.

The Banco Sabadell Foundation awarded the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) researcher, Dr Guadalupe Sabio Buzo, the Prize for Biomedical Research for her contribution to understanding why obesity causes cardiometabolic diseases.

In order to foster research, excellence and innovation, the Banco Sabadell Foundation recognises the contributions of Spanish researchers in the fields of cardiometabolic diseases, sensory technology, political economy and economic development.

Dr Guadalupe Sabio Buzo heads the research group on the role of stress-activated kinases in the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. The group's work focuses on understanding the factors that appear in obese individuals as an alteration of fat, deregulation of internal body clocks and cellular stress, which may be the causes of the onset of these diseases.

In addition, her research shows that the greater predisposition to develop cancer among men than women could be due to differences in the production of hormones by adipose tissue.



The jury for this edition has also recognised the work of Dr Ana Tajadura Jiménez, associate professor in the fields of engineering and applied acoustics at the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, and Mónica Martínez Bravo, associate professor at CEMFI, the Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies, for her research in the field of political economy and economic development.




Guadalupe Sabio