Resultados de la búsqueda

MacGrogan D, D'Amato G, Travisano S, Martinez-Poveda B, de Luxan G, Del Monte-Nieto G, Papoutsi T, Sbroggio M, Bou V, Gomez-Del Arco P, Gomez MJ, Zhou B, Redondo JM, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, de la Pompa JL. Sequential Ligand-Dependent Notch Signaling Activation Regulates Valve Primordium Formation and Morphogenesis. Circ Res (2016) 118:1480-97
Perez-Pomares JM, de la Pompa JL, Franco D, Henderson D, Ho SY, Houyel L, Kelly RG, Sedmera D, Sheppard M, Sperling S, Thiene G, van den Hoff M, Basso C. Congenital coronary artery anomalies: a bridge from embryology to anatomy and pathophysiology-a position statement of the development, anatomy, and pathology ESC Working Group. Cardiovasc Res (2016) 109:204-16
Nus M*, Martinez-Poveda B*, MacGrogan D*, Chevre R, D'Amato G, Sbroggio M, Rodriguez C, Martinez-Gonzalez J, Andres V, Hidalgo A, de la Pompa JL. (MN, BMP and DM contributed equally) Endothelial Jag1-RBPJ signalling promotes inflammatory leukocyte recruitment and atherosclerosis. Cardiovasc Res (2016) 112:568-80
D'Amato G, Luxan G, de la Pompa JL. Notch signalling in ventricular chamber development & cardiomyopathy. FEBS J (2016) 283:4223-37
Captur G, Wilson R, Bennett MF, Luxan G, Nasis A, de la Pompa JL, Moon JC, Mohun TJ. Morphogenesis of myocardial trabeculae in the mouse embryo. J Anat (2016) 229:314-25
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Maraver A, Fernandez-Marcos PJ, Cash TP, Mendez-Pertuz M, Duenas M, Maietta P, Martinelli P, Munoz-Martin M, Martinez-Fernandez M, Canamero M, Roncador G, Martinez-Torrecuadrada JL, Grivas D, de la Pompa JL, Valencia A, Paramio JM, Real FX, Serrano M NOTCH pathway inactivation promotes bladder cancer progression J Clin Invest (2015) 125:824-30
Papoutsi T, Odelin G, Moore-Morris T, Puceat M, de la Pompa JL, Robert B, Zaffran S. Msx1 knock-in allele: A useful tool to target embryonic and adult cardiac valves. Genesis (2015) 53:337-45
Garcia-Pavia P, de la Pompa JL. Left ventricular noncompaction: a genetic cardiomyopathy looking for diagnostic criteria J Am Coll Cardiol (2014) 64:1981-3
Rayon T, Menchero S, Nieto A, Xenopoulos P, Crespo M, Cockburn K, Cañon S, Sasaki H, Hadjantonakis AK, de la Pompa JL, Rossant J, Manzanares M. Notch and hippo converge on cdx2 to specify the trophectoderm lineage in the mouse blastocyst. Dev Cell (2014) 30:410-22
Patrucco E, Domes K, Sbroggio M, Blaich A, Schlossmann J, Desch M, Rybalkin SD, Beavo JA, Lukowski R, Hofmann F. Roles of cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) and PDE5 in the regulation of Ang II-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 111:12925-9
