Resultados de la búsqueda

Filgueiras-Rama D, Vasilijevic J, Jalife J, Noujaim SN, Alfonso JM, Nicolas-Avila JA, Gutierrez C, Zamarreno N, Hidalgo A, Bernabe A, Cop CP, Ponce-Balbuena D, Guerrero-Serna G, Calle D, Desco M, Ruiz-Cabello J, Nieto A, Falcon A Human Influenza A virus causes myocardial and cardiac-specific conduction system infection associated with early inflammation and premature death Cardiovasc Res (2021) 117:876-889
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Nogales P, Velasco C, Mota-Cobián A, González-Cintado L, Mota RA, España S, Mateo J, Bentzon JF Analysis of (18)F-Sodium Fluoride Positron Emission Tomography Signal Sources in Atherosclerotic Minipigs Shows Specific Binding of (18)F-Sodium Fluoride to Plaque Calcifications Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2021) 41:e480-e490
Casquero-Veiga M, Romero-Miguel D, MacDowell KS, Torres-Sanchez S, Garcia-Partida JA, Lamanna-Rama N, Gómez-Rangel V, Romero-Miranda A, Berrocoso E, Leza JC, Arango C, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML Omega-3 fatty acids during adolescence prevent schizophrenia-related behavioural deficits: Neurophysiological evidences from the prenatal viral infection with PolyI:C Eur Neuropsychopharmacol (2021) 46:14-27
Perez-Caballero L, Soto-Montenegro ML, Desco M, Mico JA, Berrocoso E Sustained escitalopram administration affects glucose metabolism in the rat brain Eur Neuropsychopharmacol (2021) 51:1-6
Romero-Miguel D, Lamanna-Rama N, Casquero-Veiga M, Gómez-Rangel V, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML Minocycline in neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases: an update Eur J Neurol (2021) 28:1056-81
Romero-Miguel D, Casquero-Veiga M, MacDowell KS, Torres-Sanchez S, Garcia-Partida JA, Lamanna-Rama N, Romero-Miranda A, Berrocoso E, Leza JC, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML A characterization of the effects of minocycline treatment during adolescence on structural, metabolic and oxidative stress parameters in a maternal immune stimulation model of neurodevelopmental brain disorders Int J Neuropsychopharmacol (2021) 24:734-748
Navas-Sánchez FJ, Fernández-Pena A, Martín de Blas D, Alemán-Gómez Y, Marcos-Vidal L, Guzmán-de-Villoria JA, Fernández-García P, Romero J, Catalina I, Lillo L, Muñoz-Blanco JL, Ordoñez-Ugalde A, Quintáns B, Pardo J, Sobrido MJ, Carmona S, Grandas F, Desco M Thalamic atrophy in patients with pure hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4 J NEUROL (2021) Jan 29 [Epub ahead of print]
Rioboó RJJ, Gontán N, Sanderson D, Desco M, Gómez-Gaviro MV Brillouin Spectroscopy: From Biomedical Research to New Generation Pathology Diagnosis Int J Mol Sci (2021) 22:8055
Gómez-Cid L, López-Donaire ML, Velasco D, Marín V, González MI, Salinas B, Cussó L, García Á, Bravo SB, Fernández-Santos ME, Elvira C, Sierra J, Arroba E, Bañares R, Grigorian-Shamagian L, Fernández-Avilés F Cardiac Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel Enriched with Polyethylene Glycol Presents Improved Gelation Time and Increased On-Target Site Retention of Extracellular Vesicles Int J Mol Sci (2021) 22:9226
Casquero-Veiga M, Bueno-Fernandez C, Romero-Miguel D, Lamanna-Rama N, Nacher J, Desco M, Soto-Montenegro ML Exploratory study of the long-term footprint of deep brain stimulation on brain metabolism and neuroplasticity in an animal model of obesity Sci Rep (2021) 11:5580
