Resultados de la búsqueda

Gonzalez-Ramos S, Paz-Garcia M, Rius C, Del Monte-Monge A, Rodriguez C, Fernandez-Garcia V, Andres V, Martinez-Gonzalez J, Lasuncion MA, Martin-Sanz P, Soehnlein O, Bosca L. Endothelial NOD1 directs myeloid cell recruitment in atherosclerosis through VCAM-1. FASEB J (2019) 33:3912-21
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Vila-Caballer M, Gonzalez-Granado JM, Zorita V, Abu Nabah YN, Silvestre-Roig C, Del Monte-Monge A, Molina-Sanchez P, Ait-Oufella H, Andres-Manzano MJ, Sanz MJ, Weber C, Kremer L, Gutierrez J, Mallat Z, Andres V. Disruption of the CCL1-CCR8 axis inhibits vascular Treg recruitment and function and promotes atherosclerosis in mice. J Mol Cell Cardiol (2019) 132:154-163
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Dorado B, Ploen GG, Barettino A, Macias A, Gonzalo P, Andres-Manzano MJ, Gonzalez-Gomez C, Galan-Arriola C, Alfonso JM, Lobo M, Lopez-Martin GJ, Molina A, Sanchez-Sanchez R, Gadea J, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Liu Y, Callesen H, Filgueiras-Rama D, Ibanez B, Sorensen CB, Andres V Generation and characterization of a novel knockin minipig model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome Cell Discov (2019) 5:16
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Herrero-Fernandez B, Gomez-Bris R, Somovilla-Crespo B, Gonzalez-Granado JM Immunobiology of Atherosclerosis: A Complex Net of Interactions Int J Mol Sci (2019) 20:E5293
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Hamczyk MR, Villa-Bellosta R, Gonzalo P, Andres-Manzano MJ, Nogales P, Bentzon JF, Lopez-Otin C, Andres V. Vascular Smooth Muscle-Specific Progerin Expression Accelerates Atherosclerosis and Death in a Mouse Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome. Circulation (2018) 138:266-82
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De Meyer T, Nawrot T, Bekaert S, De Buyzere ML, Rietzschel ER, Andres V. Telomere Length as Cardiovascular Aging Biomarker: JACC Review Topic of the Week. J Am Coll Cardiol (2018) 72:805-13
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Clemente C, Rius C, Alonso-Herranz L, Martin-Alonso M, Pollan A, Camafeita E, Martinez F, Mota RA, Nunez V, Rodriguez C, Seiki M, Martinez-Gonzalez J, Andres V, Ricote M, Arroyo AG. MT4-MMP deficiency increases patrolling monocyte recruitment to early lesions and accelerates atherosclerosis. Nat Commun (2018) 9:910
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Caravia XM, Fanjul V, Oliver E, Roiz-Valle D, Moran-Alvarez A, Desdin-Mico G, Mittelbrunn M, Cabo R, Vega JA, Rodriguez F, Fueyo A, Gomez M, Lobo-Gonzalez M, Bueno H, Velasco G, Freije JMP, Andres V, Ibanez B, Ugalde AP, Lopez-Otin C. The microRNA-29/PGC1alpha regulatory axis is critical for metabolic control of cardiac function. PLoS Biol (2018) 16:e2006247
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