Resultados de la búsqueda

Trigueros-Motos L, Gonzalez JM, Rivera J, Andres V. Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, cardiovascular disease and oxidative stress. Front Biosci (2011) 3:1285-97
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Gonzalez JM, Pla D, Perez-Sala D, Andres V. A-type lamins and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome: pathogenesis and therapy. Front Biosci (2011) 3:1133-46
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Pello OM, Silvestre C, De Pizzol M, Andrés V. A glimpse on the phenomenon of macrophage polarization during atherosclerosis. Immunobiology (2011) 216:1172-6
Osorio FG, Navarro CL, Cadiñanos J, López-Mejía IC, Quirós PM, Bartoli C, Rivera J, Tazi J, Guzmán G, Varela I, Depetris D, de Carlos F, Cobo J, Andrés V, De Sandre-Giovannoli A, Freije JM, Lévy N, López-Otín C. Splicing-directed therapy in a new mouse model of human accelerated aging. Sci Transl Med (2011) 3:106ra107
Jimenez-Navarro MF, Bueno H, Alvarez-Sala L, Rodriguez-Losada N, Andres V, Gonzalez-Navarro H. Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Expression Is Increased in Circulating Leukocytes of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome ISRN Cardiol (2011) 2011:ID740585
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González-Navarro H, Abu Nabah Y, Vinué A, Andrés-Manzano MJ, Collado M, Serrano M, Andrés V. p19(ARF) Deficiency Reduces Macrophage and Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis and Aggravates Atherosclerosis. J Am Coll Cardiol (2010) 55:2258-68
Rodríguez J, Calvo F, González JM, Casar B, Andrés V, Crespo P. ERK1/2 MAP kinases promote cell cycle entry by rapid, kinase-independent disruption of retinoblastoma-lamin A complexes J Cell Biol (2010) 191:967-79
Fuster JJ, Gonzalez JM, Edo MD, Viana R, Boya P, Cervera J, Verges M, Rivera J, Andres V Tumor suppressor p27Kip1 undergoes endolysosomal degradation through its interaction with sorting nexin 6 FASEB J (2010) 24:2998-3009
Fuster JJ, Fernandez P, Gonzalez-Navarro H, Silvestre C, Abu Nabah YN, Andres V. Control of cell proliferation in atherosclerosis: insights from animal models and human studies Cardiovasc Res (2010) 86:254-64
