Resultados de la búsqueda

Andrés V, Pello OM*, Silvestre-Roig C* (OMP and CSR contributed equally) Macrophage proliferation and apoptosis in atherosclerosis. Curr Opin Lipidol (2012) 23:429-38
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Pello OM, Chèvre R, Laoui D, De Juan A, Lolo F, Andrés-Manzano MJ, Serrano M, Van Ginderachter JA, Andrés V. In Vivo Inhibition of c-MYC in Myeloid Cells Impairs Tumor-Associated Macrophage Maturation and Pro-Tumoral Activities. PLoS One (2012) 7:e45399
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Fuster JJ*, Molina-Sánchez P*, Jovaní D, Vinué A, Serrano M, Andrés V (JJF and PMS contributed equally) Increased gene dosage of the Ink4/Arf locus does not attenuate atherosclerosis development in hypercholesterolaemic mice. Atherosclerosis (2012) 221:98-105
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Mendes-Jorge L, Llombart C, Ramos D, López-Luppo M, Valença A, Nacher V, Navarro M, Carretero A, Méndez-Ferrer S, Rodriguez-Baeza A, Ruberte J. Intercapillary bridging cells: Immunocytochemical characteristics of cells that connect blood vessels in the retina. Exp Eye Res (2012) 98:79-87
Fuster JJ, Castillo AI, Zaragoza C, Ibáñez B, Andrés V. Animal models of atherosclerosis. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci (2012) 105:1-23
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Fuster JJ, González-Navarro H, Vinué A, Molina P, Andrés-Manzano MJ, Nakayama KI, Nakayama K, Díez-Juan A, Bernad A, Rodríguez C, Martínez-González J, Andrés V. Deficient p27 Phosphorylation at Serine 10 Increases Macrophage Foam Cell Formation and Aggravates Atherosclerosis Through a Proliferation-Independent Mechanism. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2011) 31:2455-2463
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Spínola-Amilibia M, Rivera J, Ortiz-Lombardía M, Romero A, Neira JL, Bravo J. The Structure of BRMS1 Nuclear Export Signal and SNX6 Interacting Region Reveals a Hexamer Formed by Antiparallel Coiled Coils. J Mol Biol (2011) 411:1114-27
