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Abdellatif M, Trummer-Herbst V, Koser F, Durand S, Adão R, Vasques-Nóvoa F, Freundt JK, Voglhuber J, Pricolo MR, Kasa M, Türk C, Aprahamian F, Herrero-Galán E, Hofer SJ, Pendl T, Rech L, Kargl J, Anto-Michel N, Ljubojevic-Holzer S, Schipke J, Brandenberger C, Auer M, Schreiber R, Koyani CN, Heinemann A, Zirlik A, Schmidt A, von Lewinski D, Scherr D, Rainer PP, von Maltzahn J, Mühlfeld C, Krüger M, Frank S, Madeo F, Eisenberg T, Prokesch A, Leite-Moreira AF, Lourenço AP, Alegre-Cebollada J, Kiechl S, Linke WA, Kroemer G, Sedej S Nicotinamide for the treatment of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Sci Transl Med (2021) 13
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Alegre-Cebollada J Protein nanomechanics in biological context Biophys Rev (2021) 13:435–454
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Nicolas-Avila JA, Lechuga-Vieco AV, Esteban-Martinez L, Sanchez-Diaz M, Diaz-Garcia E, Santiago DJ, Rubio-Ponce A, Li JL, Balachander A, Quintana JA, Martinez-de-Mena R, Castejon-Vega B, Pun-Garcia A, Traves PG, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Garcia-Marques F, Cusso L, N AG, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Roche-Molina M, Martin-Salamanca S, Crainiciuc G, Guzman G, Larrazabal J, Herrero-Galan E, Alegre-Cebollada J, Lemke G, Rothlin CV, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Reyes G, Castrillo A, Desco M, Munoz-Canoves P, Ibanez B, Torres M, Ng LG, Priori SG, Bueno H, Vazquez J, Cordero MD, Bernal JA, Enriquez JA, Hidalgo A A Network of Macrophages Supports Mitochondrial Homeostasis in the Heart Cell (2020) 183:94-109
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Rivas-Pardo JA, Li Y, Mártonfalvi Z, Tapia-Rojo R, Unger A, Fernández-Trasancos Á, Herrero-Galán E, Velázquez-Carreras D, Fernández JM, Linke WA, Alegre-Cebollada J A HaloTag-TEV genetic cassette for mechanical phenotyping of proteins from tissues Nat Commun (2020) 11:2060
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Pricolo MR*, Herrero-Galan E, Mazzaccara C, Losi MA, Alegre-Cebollada J*, Frisso G *(MRP and JAC are both co-corresponding authors) Protein Thermodynamic Destabilization in the Assessment of Pathogenicity of a Variant of Uncertain Significance in Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein C J Cardiovasc Transl Res (2020) 13:867-877
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Echarri A, Pavon DM, Sanchez S, Garcia-Garcia M, Calvo E, Huerta-Lopez C, Velazquez-Carreras D, Viaris de Lesegno C, Ariotti N, Lazaro-Carrillo A, Strippoli R, De Sancho D, Alegre-Cebollada J, Lamaze C, Parton RG, Del Pozo MA An Abl-FBP17 mechanosensing system couples local plasma membrane curvature and stress fiber remodeling during mechanoadaptation Nat Commun (2019) 10:5828
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Herrero-Galan E, Martinez-Martin I, Alegre-Cebollada J. Redox regulation of protein nanomechanics in health and disease: lessons from titin. Redox Biol (2019) 21:101074
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Pimenta-Lopes C, Suay-Corredera C, Velázquez-Carreras D, Sánchez-Ortiz D, Alegre-Cebollada J. Concurrent atomic force spectroscopy. Comms Phys (2019) 2:91
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Giganti D, Yan K, Badilla CL, Fernandez JM, Alegre-Cebollada J. Disulfide isomerization reactions in titin immunoglobulin domains enable a mode of protein elasticity. Nat Commun (2018) 9:185
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Manteca A, Schonfelder J, Alonso-Caballero A, Fertin MJ, Barruetabena N, Faria BF, Herrero-Galan E, Alegre-Cebollada J, De Sancho D, Perez-Jimenez R. Mechanochemical evolution of the giant muscle protein titin as inferred from resurrected proteins. Nat Struct Mol Biol (2017) 24:652-7
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