Resultados de la búsqueda

Bartolome-Izquierdo N, De Yebenes VG, Alvarez-Prado AF, Mur SM, Lopez JA, Roa S, Vazquez J, Ramiro AR. miR-28 regulates the germinal center reaction and blocks tumor growth in preclinical models of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood (2017) 129:2408-19
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Garcia-Ortiz A, Martin-Cofreces NB, Ibiza S, Ortega A, Izquierdo-Alvarez A, Trullo A, Victor VM, Calvo E, Sot B, Martinez-Ruiz A, Vazquez J, Sanchez-Madrid F, Serrador JM. eNOS S-nitrosylates beta-actin on Cys374 and regulates PKC-theta at the immune synapse by impairing actin binding to profilin-1. PLoS Biol (2017) 15:e2000653
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Gomez-Serrano M*, Camafeita E*, Lopez JA, Rubio MA, Breton I, Garcia-Consuegra I, Garcia-Santos E, Lago J, Sanchez-Pernaute A, Torres A, Vazquez J, Peral B (MGS and EC contributed equally) Differential proteomic and oxidative profiles unveil dysfunctional protein import to adipocyte mitochondria in obesity-associated aging and diabetes. Redox Biol (2017) 11:415-28
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Baldanta S, Fernandez-Escobar M, Acin-Perez R, Albert M, Camafeita E, Jorge I, Vazquez J, Enriquez JA, Guerra S. ISG15 governs mitochondrial function in macrophages following vaccinia virus infection. PLoS Pathog (2017) 13:e1006651
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Moreno-Gonzalo O, Ramirez-Huesca M, Blas-Rus N, Cibrian D, Saiz ML, Jorge I, Camafeita E, Vazquez J, Sanchez-Madrid F. HDAC6 controls innate immune and autophagy responses to TLR-mediated signalling by the intracellular bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. PLoS Pathog (2017) 13:e1006799
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Martin-Lorenzo M, Gonzalez-Calero L, Martinez PJ, Baldan-Martin M, Lopez JA, Ruiz-Hurtado G, de la Cuesta F, Segura J, Vazquez J, Vivanco F, Barderas MG, Ruilope LM, Alvarez-Llamas G. Immune system deregulation in hypertensive patients chronically RAS suppressed developing albuminuria. Sci Rep (2017) 7:8894
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Toran JL, Aguilar S, Lopez JA, Torroja C, Quintana JA, Santiago C, Abad JL, Gomes-Alves P, Gonzalez A, Bernal JA, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Alves PM, L RB, Vazquez J, Bernad A. CXCL6 is an important paracrine factor in the pro-angiogenic human cardiac progenitor-like cell secretome. Sci Rep (2017) 7:12490
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Binek A, Fernandez-Jimenez R, Jorge I, Camafeita E, Lopez JA, Bagwan N, Galan-Arriola C, Pun A, Aguero J, Fuster V, Ibanez B, Vazquez J. Proteomic footprint of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury: Longitudinal study of the at-risk and remote regions in the pig model. Sci Rep (2017) 7:12343
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Vialas V, Colome-Calls N, Abian J, Aloria K, Alvarez-Llamas G, Antunez O, Arizmendi JM, Azkargorta M, Barcelo-Batllori S, Barderas MG, Blanco F, Casal JI, Casas V, de la Torre C, Chicano-Galvez E, Elortza F, Espadas G, Estanyol JM, Fernandez-Irigoyen J, Fernandez-Puente P, Fidalgo MJ, Fuentes M, Gay M, Gil C, Hainard A, Hernaez ML, Ibarrola N, Kopylov AT, Lario A, Lopez JA, Lopez-Lucendo M, Marcilla M, Marina-Ramirez A, Marko-Varga G, Martin L, Mora MI, Morato-Lopez E, Munoz J, Odena MA, de Oliveira E, Orera I, Ortea I, Pasquarello C, Ray KB, Rezeli M, Ruppen I, Sabido E, Del Pino MM, Sancho J, Santamaria E, Vazquez J, Vilaseca M, Vivanco F, Walters JJ, Zgoda VG, Corrales FJ, Canals F, Paradela A. A multicentric study to evaluate the use of relative retention times in targeted proteomics. J Proteomics (2017) 152:138-49
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de la Cuesta F, Baldan-Martin M, Moreno-Luna R, Alvarez-Llamas G, Gonzalez-Calero L, Mourino-Alvarez L, Sastre-Oliva T, Lopez JA, Vazquez J, Ruiz-Hurtado G, Segura J, Vivanco F, Ruilope LM, Barderas MG. Kalirin and CHD7: novel endothelial dysfunction indicators in circulating extracellular vesicles from hypertensive patients with albuminuria. Oncotarget (2017) 8:15553-62
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