Resultados de la búsqueda

Cueto FJ, Del Fresno C, Brandi P, Combes AJ, Hernández-García E, Sánchez-Paulete AR, Enamorado M, Bromley CP, Gomez MJ, Conde-Garrosa R, Mañes S, Zelenay S, Melero I, Iborra S, Krummel MF, Sancho D DNGR-1 limits Flt3L-mediated antitumor immunity by restraining tumor-infiltrating type I conventional dendritic cells J Immunother Cancer (2021) 9:e002054
Lopez-Delgado AC, Delgado I, Cadenas V, Sanchez-Cabo F, Torres M Axial skeleton anterior-posterior patterning is regulated through feedback regulation between Meis transcription factors and retinoic acid Development (2021) 148:dev193813
Jiménez-Jiménez V, Martí-Gómez C, Ángel del Pozo M, Lara-Pezzi E, Sánchez-Cabo F Bayesian Inference of Gene Expression Bioinformatics (2021) :65-87
Alcaraz-Serna A, Bustos-Morán E, Fernández-Delgado I, Calzada-Fraile D, Torralba D, Marina-Zárate E, Lorenzo-Vivas E, Vázquez E, de Alburquerque JB, Ruef N, Gómez MJ, Sánchez-Cabo F, Dopazo A, Stein JV, Ramiro A, Sánchez-Madrid F Immune synapse instructs epigenomic and transcriptomic functional reprogramming in dendritic cells Sci Adv (2021) 7:eabb9965
Rubio-Ponce A, Ballesteros I, Quintana JA, Solanas G, Benitah SA, Hidalgo A, Sánchez-Cabo F Combined statistical modeling enables accurate mining of circadian transcription NAR Genom Bioinform (2021) 3:lqab031
Sánchez-Cabo F, Fuster JJ Clonal haematopoiesis and atherosclerosis: a chicken or egg question? Nat Rev Cardiol (2021) 18:463-464
Rodríguez-Galán A, Dosil SG, Gómez MJ, Fernández-Delgado I, Fernández-Messina L, Sánchez-Cabo F, Sánchez-Madrid F MiRNA post-transcriptional modification dynamics in T cell activation iScience (2021) 24:102530
Soto JA, Rodríguez-Antolín C, Vera O, Pernía O, Esteban-Rodríguez I, Dolores Diestro M, Benitez J, Sánchez-Cabo F, Alvarez R, De Castro J, Ibanez de Cáceres I Transcriptional epigenetic regulation of Fkbp1/Pax9 genes is associated with impaired sensitivity to platinum treatment in ovarian cancer Clin Epigenetics (2021) 13:167
Pascual-Figal DA, Roura-Piloto AE, Moral-Escudero E, Bernal E, Albendín-Iglesias H, Pérez-Martínez MT, Noguera-Velasco JA, Cebreiros-López I, Hernández-Vicente Á, Vázquez-Andrés D, Sánchez-Pérez C, Khan A, Sánchez-Cabo F, García-Vázquez E Colchicine in Recently Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial (COL-COVID) Int J Gen Med (2021) 14:5517-5526
Ballesteros I, Rubio-Ponce A, Genua M, Lusito E, Kwok I, Fernandez-Calvo G, Khoyratty TE, van Grinsven E, Gonzalez-Hernandez S, Nicolas-Avila JA, Vicanolo T, Maccataio A, Benguria A, Li JL, Adrover JM, Aroca-Crevillen A, Quintana JA, Martin-Salamanca S, Mayo F, Ascher S, Barbiera G, Soehnlein O, Gunzer M, Ginhoux F, Sanchez-Cabo F, Nistal-Villan E, Schulz C, Dopazo A, Reinhardt C, Udalova IA, Ng LG, Ostuni R, Hidalgo A Co-option of Neutrophil Fates by Tissue Environments Cell (2020) 183:1282-1297
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