Resultados de la búsqueda

de la Fuente-Alonso A, Toral M, Alfayate A, Ruiz-Rodríguez MJ, Bonzón-Kulichenko E, Teixido-Tura G, Martínez-Martínez S, Méndez-Olivares MJ, López-Maderuelo D, González-Valdés I, Garcia-Izquierdo E, Mingo S, Martín CE, Muiño-Mosquera L, De Backer J, Nistal JF, Forteza A, Evangelista A, Vázquez J, Campanero MR, Redondo JM Aortic disease in Marfan syndrome is caused by overactivation of sGC-PRKG signaling by NO Nat Commun (2021) 12:2628
de la Visitación N, Robles-Vera I, Toral M, Gómez-Guzmán M, Sánchez M, Moleón J, González-Correa C, Martín-Morales N, O'Valle F, Jiménez R, Romero M, Duarte J Gut microbiota contributes to the development of hypertension in a genetic mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus Br J Pharmacol (2021) 178:3708-3729
Sreenivasan K, Rodríguez-delaRosa A, Kim J, Mesquita D, Segalés J, Arco PG, Espejo I, Ianni A, Di Croce L, Relaix F, Redondo JM, Braun T, Serrano AL, Perdiguero E, Muñoz-Cánoves P CHD4 ensures stem cell lineage fidelity during skeletal muscle regeneration Stem Cell Reports (2021) 16:2089-2098
de la Visitación N, Robles-Vera I, Moleón-Moya J, Sánchez M, Jiménez R, Gómez-Guzmán M, González-Correa C, Olivares M, Toral M, Romero M, Duarte J Probiotics Prevent Hypertension in a Murine Model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Induced by Toll-Like Receptor 7 Activation Nutrients (2021) 13:2669
Robles-Vera I, de la Visitación N, Toral M, Sánchez M, Romero M, Gómez-Guzmán M, Vargas F, Duarte J, Jiménez R Changes in Gut Microbiota Induced by Doxycycline Influence in Vascular Function and Development of Hypertension in DOCA-Salt Rats Nutrients (2021) 13:2971
Robles-Vera I, de la Visitacion N, Toral M, Sanchez M, Gomez-Guzman M, Jimenez R, Romero M, Duarte J Mycophenolate mediated remodeling of gut microbiota and improvement of gut-brain axis in spontaneously hypertensive rats Biomed Pharmacother (2021) 135:111189
de la Visitación N, Robles-Vera I, Moleón J, González-Correa C, Aguilera-Sánchez N, Toral M, Gómez-Guzmán M, Sánchez M, Jiménez R, Martin-Morales N, O'Valle F, Romero M, Duarte J Gut Microbiota Has a Crucial Role in the Development of Hypertension and Vascular Dysfunction in Toll-like Receptor 7-Driven Lupus Autoimmunity Antioxidants (2021) 10:1426
Sreenivasan K, Ianni A, Kunne C, Strilic B, Gunther S, Perdiguero E, Kruger M, Spuler S, Offermanns S, Gomez-Del Arco P, Redondo JM, Munoz-Canoves P, Kim J, Braun T Attenuated Epigenetic Suppression of Muscle Stem Cell Necroptosis Is Required for Efficient Regeneration of Dystrophic Muscles Cell Rep (2020) 31:107652
Link to the full text in Repisalud
de Yebenes VG, Briones AM, Martos-Folgado I, Mur SM, Oller J, Bilal F, Gonzalez-Amor M, Mendez-Barbero N, Silla-Castro JC, Were F, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Sanchez-Cabo F, Bueno H, Salaices M, Redondo JM, Ramiro AR Aging-Associated miR-217 Aggravates Atherosclerosis and Promotes Cardiovascular Dysfunction Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2020) 40:2408-2424
