Resultados de la búsqueda

Bensimon-Brito A, Ramkumar S, Boezio GLM, Guenther S, Kuenne C, Helker CSM, Sanchez-Iranzo H, Iloska D, Piesker J, Pullamsetti S, Mercader N, Beis D, Stainier DYR TGF-beta Signaling Promotes Tissue Formation during Cardiac Valve Regeneration in Adult Zebrafish Dev Cell (2020) 52:9-20
Garcia-Poyatos C, Cogliati S, Calvo E, Hernansanz-Agustin P, Lagarrigue S, Magni R, Botos M, Langa X, Amati F, Vazquez J, Mercader N, Enriquez JA Scaf1 promotes respiratory supercomplexes and metabolic efficiency in zebrafish EMBO Rep (2020) 21:e50287
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Peralta M, Ortiz Lopez L, Jerabkova K, Lucchesi T, Vitre B, Han D, Guillemot L, Dingare C, Sumara I, Mercader N, Lecaudey V, Delaval B, Meilhac SM, Vermot J Intraflagellar Transport Complex B Proteins Regulate the Hippo Effector Yap1 during Cardiogenesis Cell Rep (2020) 32:107932
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Sanz-Morejon A, Mercader N Recent insights into zebrafish cardiac regeneration CURR OPIN GENET DEV (2020) 64:37-43
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Rodius S, de Klein N, Jeanty C, Sanchez-Iranzo H, Crespo I, Ibberson M, Xenarios I, Dittmar G, Mercader N, Niclou SP, Azuaje F Fisetin protects against cardiac cell death through reduction of ROS production and caspases activity Sci Rep (2020) 10:2896
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Andres-Delgado L, Galardi-Castilla M, Munch J, Peralta M, Ernst A, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Tessadori F, Santamaria L, Bakkers J, Vermot J, de la Pompa JL, Mercader N Notch and Bmp signaling pathways act coordinately during the formation of the proepicardium Dev Dyn (2020) 249:1455-69
Andres-Delgado L, Galardi-Castilla M, Mercader N, Santamaria L Analysis of wt1a reporter line expression levels during proepicardium formation in the zebrafish HISTOL HISTOPATHOL (2020) 35:1035-46
Sanz-Morejon A, Garcia-Redondo AB, Reuter H, Marques IJ, Bates T, Galardi-Castilla M, Grosse A, Manig S, Langa X, Ernst A, Piragyte I, Botos MA, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Ruiz-Ortega M, Briones AM, Salaices M, Englert C, Mercader N Wilms Tumor 1b Expression Defines a Pro-regenerative Macrophage Subtype and Is Required for Organ Regeneration in the Zebrafish Cell Rep (2019) 28:1296-1306
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Sande-Melon M, Marques IJ, Galardi-Castilla M, Langa X, Perez-Lopez M, Botos MA, Sanchez-Iranzo H, Guzman-Martinez G, Ferreira Francisco DM, Pavlinic D, Benes V, Bruggmann R, Mercader N Adult sox10(+) Cardiomyocytes Contribute to Myocardial Regeneration in the Zebrafish Cell Rep (2019) 29:1041-54
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Andres-Delgado L, Ernst A, Galardi-Castilla M, Bazaga D, Peralta M, Munch J, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Marques I, Tessadori F, de la Pompa JL, Vermot J, Mercader N Actin dynamics and the Bmp pathway drive apical extrusion of proepicardial cells Development (2019) 146:dev174961
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