Resultados de la búsqueda

Latorre-Pellicer A, Moreno-Loshuertos R, Lechuga-Vieco AV, Sánchez-Cabo F, Torroja C, Acín-Pérez R, Calvo E, Aix E, González-Guerra A, Logan A, Bernad-Miana ML, Romanos E, Cruz R, Cogliati S, Sobrino B, Carracedo Á, Pérez-Martos A, Fernández-Silva P, Ruíz-Cabello J, Murphy MP, Flores I, Vázquez J, Enríquez JA. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA matching shapes metabolism and healthy ageing. Nature (2016) 525:561-65
Cogliati S*, Calvo E*, Loureiro M, Guaras AM, Nieto-Arellano R, Garcia-Poyatos C, Ezkurdia I, Mercader N, Vazquez J*, Enriquez JA* (SC and EC contributed equally; JV and JAE are co-corresponding authors) Mechanism of super-assembly of respiratory complexes III and IV. Nature (2016) 539:579-82
Calvo E, Garcia-Alvarez A, Vazquez J. The Quest for Metabolic Biomarkers of Pulmonary Hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol (2016) 67:190-2
Gonzalez-Teran B, Lopez JA, Rodriguez E, Leiva L, Martinez-Martinez S, Bernal JA, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Redondo JM, Vazquez J, Sabio G. p38gamma and delta promote heart hypertrophy by targeting the mTOR-inhibitory protein DEPTOR for degradation. Nat Commun (2016) 7:10477
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Blas-Rus N, Bustos-Moran E, Perez de Castro I, de Carcer G, Borroto A, Camafeita E, Jorge I, Vazquez J, Alarcon B, Malumbres M, Martin-Cofreces NB, Sanchez-Madrid F. Aurora A drives early signalling and vesicle dynamics during T-cell activation. Nat Commun (2016) 7:11389
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del Olmo I, Lopez JA, Vazquez J, Raynaud C, Pineiro M, Jarillo JA Arabidopsis DNA polymerase ϵ recruits components of Polycomb repressor complex to mediate epigenetic gene silencing Nucleic Acids Res (2016) 44:5597-614
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Guaras A, Perales-Clemente E, Calvo E, Acin-Perez R, Loureiro-Lopez M, Pujol C, Martinez-Carrascoso I, Nunez E, Garcia-Marques F, Rodriguez-Hernandez MA, Cortes A, Diaz F, Perez-Martos A, Moraes CT, Fernandez-Silva P, Trifunovic A, Navas P, Vazquez J, Enriquez JA. The CoQH2/CoQ Ratio Serves as a Sensor of Respiratory Chain Efficiency. Cell Rep (2016) 15:197-209
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Glytsou C, Calvo E, Cogliati S, Mehrotra A, Anastasia I, Rigoni G, Raimondi A, Shintani N, Loureiro M, Vazquez J, Pellegrini L, Enriquez JA, Scorrano L, Soriano ME. Optic Atrophy 1 Is Epistatic to the Core MICOS Component MIC60 in Mitochondrial Cristae Shape Control. Cell Rep (2016) 17:3024-34
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Baldan-Martin M, Mourino-Alvarez L, Gonzalez-Calero L, Moreno-Luna R, Sastre-Oliva T, Ruiz-Hurtado G, Segura J, Lopez JA, Vazquez J, Vivanco F, Alvarez-Llamas G, Ruilope LM, Cuesta F, Barderas MG. Plasma Molecular Signatures in Hypertensive Patients With Renin-Angiotensin System Suppression: New Predictors of Renal Damage and De Novo Albuminuria Indicators. Hypertension (2016) 68:157-66
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Echevarria-Zomeno S, Fernandez-Calvino L, Castro-Sanz AB, Lopez JA, Vazquez J, Castellano MM. Dissecting the proteome dynamics of the early heat stress response leading to plant survival or death in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ (2016) 39:1264-78
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