Group leader
Ext. 3100

Dr Miguel Torres graduated in Biology in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid in 1986 and obtained a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid in 1991. His doctoral thesis in the laboratory of Lucas Sánchez (CIB-CSIC, Madrid), concentrated on the genetic analysis of sex determination in Drosophila. During his postdoctoral stay in the laboratory of Peter Gruss in the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen, Alemania 1992-96), he performed insertional and targeted mutagenesis in the mouse model, contributing to the understanding of mammalian organ and early embryo patterning. In 1996 he incorporated as an independent scientist to the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC, Madrid), where he started an internationally recognized group specialized in the study of transcriptional and signaling mechanisms in vertebrate organogenesis and tissue homeostasis. At the CNB Dr Torres directed the Immunology and Oncology Department from 2004 to 2006. In 2007 he joined CNIC, being the founding Director of the Cardiovascular Development Department (2007-2012), Director of the Cardiovascular Development and Repair Department (20012-2015) and CNIC Associate Director (2009-2012). Since July de 2015, Dr Torres is Coordinator del Fundamental and Systems Biology area at the Spanish National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP). The most relevant scientific contributions have been the formulation of a new pattern formation paradigm underlying vertebrate limb development and regeneration, the identification of the regulatory role of Meis genes in cardiovascular and hematopoietic development and the identification of Cell Competition as an endogenous cell selection mechanism in the early mammalian embryo. Currently the group investigates the relevance in cardiovascular development and repair of Cell Competition and Meis transcription factors.

Other members
Surname and name Position CV Extension Email
Marín Vicente Consolación Assistant researcher --- Ext. 70727 Contact
Villa del Campo Cristina Assistant researcher --- Ext. 70416 Contact
Almeida Conceiçao Gloria de Fátima Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70129 Contact
Díaz Díaz Covadonga Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70104 Contact
Penkov Dmitry Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70884 Contact
Sendra Ortola Miquel Postdoc researcher --- Ext. 70595 Contact
K C Jyothi Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70879 Contact
Peña Peña Jorge Predoc researcher --- Ext. 70380 Contact
Rai Aparna Predoc researcher --- Ext. 71002 Contact
Cadenas Rodriguez Vanessa Carolina Technician --- Ext. 70638 Contact
Domínguez Gómez Lorena Technician --- Ext. 70685 Contact
Martín Salamanca Sandra Technician --- Ext. 70280 Contact
Temino Valbuena Susana Technician --- Ext. 70579 Contact
Andreea Badarau Ana Maria Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70522 Contact
Bassat Elad Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70895 Contact
Casablanca Osorio Laura Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70323 Contact
Delgado Carceller Irene Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70458 Contact
Domínguez Macías Jorge Nicolás Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70512 Contact
Flores Hernández Ignacio Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70527 Contact
Ocaña Terraza Oscar Horacio Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70371 Contact
Rivero García Inés Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70612 Contact
Sevostianova Viktoriia Visiting scientist --- Ext. 70729 Contact
Lozano Madueño Pablo Visiting student --- Ext. 71208 Contact
Rodríguez Santiváñez Stefany Cielo Visiting student --- Ext. 70862 Contact