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E.g., 27/09/2024
E.g., 27/09/2024
Cardiovascular risk factors (particularly metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and diabetes) alter coronary microvascular function and increase the risk of atherosclerotic disease, which itself leads to changes in the coronary microcirculation.
19 Sep 2024

A study from CNIC reveals how risk factors and subclinical atherosclerosis affect heart microcirculation in asymptomatic middle-aged individuals. The research, published in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, highlights the importance of assessing the heart vessels' ability to regulate blood flow and predict future cardiovascular risk

9 Sep 2024

The new study, published in the journal Circulation, opens a new avenue of research into treatments for the atherosclerosis associated with progeria

About the CNIC
15 May 2024

Globally, cardiovascular diseases due to atherosclerosis – the build-up of plaque in arteries – are the leading cause of death. A new Danish-Spanish research collaboration aims to develop methods to detect atherosclerosis at earlier ages and encourage prevention. Denmark’s Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted up to EUR 23 million to cover the first 2.5 years of the REACT initiative. The initiative is expected to run for 8 years in total

María Jesús Andrés, Carla Espinós (detrás), Rosa M Nevado (delante, al lado de MJA), Miguel de la Fuente, Rosa Carmona, Ana Barettino, Vicente Andrés, Pilar Gonzalo e Ignacio Benedicto.
19 Apr 2024

The elimination of progerin from vascular smooth muscle cells, but not from endothelial cells, prevents the atherosclerosis associated with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS)

El Dr. Valentín Fuster con la Dra. Guiomar Mendieta
About the CNIC
10 Apr 2024

Guiomar Mendieta has been awarded the 2023 William W. Parmley Young Author Achievement Award for a paper published in JACC that is considered to an outstanding contribution in the field of atherosclerosis

Carlos Torroja, Jacob F. Bentzon, Paula Nogales, Laura Carramolino, Vanessa Cumbicus, Daniel Morales, Ana Dopazo, Verónica Labrador y Alberto Benguria
1 Feb 2024

A study published in Nature Cardiovascular Research reveals smooth muscle-derived cells as a new target for reducing the size of atherosclerotic plaque. The results open up new avenues for the design of treatments to enhance the beneficial effect of cholesterol-lowering drugs

Catarina Tristão Pereira, Enrique Lara Pezzi, Raquel Toribio Fernández, Borja Ibáñez, Valentín Fuster, Sergio Callejas, Marta Cortés Canteli, Ana Dopazo, Pilar Martín, Inés García Lunar e Irene Fernández Nueda.
23 Jan 2024

The most potent genetic risk factor for Alzheimer disease, APOE4, is associated with an elevated risk of developing subclinical atherosclerosis in middle age, whereas the Alzheimer-protective variant of the same gene, APOE2, protects against subclinical atherosclerosis

David Sancho
About the CNIC
19 Jan 2024

The ImnovAth project seeks an innovative approach to treat atherosclerosis

Representative results from participants showing atherosclerosis progression (left) and regression (disappearance of plaques, right) in arteries of the neck (carotids) and groin (femorals). Each image pair shows the results of the initial study at baseline and the follow-up study of the same artery 6 years later. The images show representative vascular ultrasound images on the right and 3-dimensional reconstructions on the left.
20 Nov 2023

Atherosclerosis, previously believed to be an irreversible progressive disease, can be reversed if risk factors are contolled early enough

De izda. a dcha.: Gema González, Estefanía Núñez, Sergio Callejas, Juan Carlos Silla, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Valentín Fuster, Fátima Sánchez Cabo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Dopazo, Borja Ibáñez, Marta Cortés, Alberto Benguría y Antonio Quesada.
21 Jun 2023

A new CNIC study shows that low-grade systemic inflammation triggered by subcinical atherosclerosis accelerates epigenetic aging in otherwise healthy young individuals