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E.g., 27/09/2024
E.g., 27/09/2024
Análisis de muestras humanas y experimentos en animales demuestran que la presencia de mutaciones en el gen p53 en sangre aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar aterosclerosis, la principal causa de enfermedad cardiovascular.
16 Jan 2023

A CNIC study extends the understanding of how acquired mutations in blood cells act as a new cardiovascular risk factor

La figura muestra imágenes mediante resonancia magnética cardíaca (A y B) y tomografía computarizada (C y D) de un corazón en diástole (A y C) y sístole (B y D) para el cálculo de la función de ambos ventrículos. VD: Ventrículo derecho; VI: Ventrículo izquierdo.
12 Dec 2022

The results of the SPHERE-HF study are published in the European Journal of Heart Failure. SPHERE-HF is a multicenter academic clinical trial led by investigators at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

3 Nov 2022

CNIC scientists have identified a molecular mechanism that accounts for the arrhythmias, skeletal muscle weakness, and periodic paralysis in patients with this rare disease

Cellular and Molecular Sciences: Describen un nuevo mecanismo que relaciona la inflamación y el remodelado cardiovascular patológico
About the CNIC
19 Sep 2022

CNIC's leader have been recognized for his exceptional career achievements at the 34th annual conference

Los adolescentes que duermen menos de 8 horas tienen más probabilidades de tener sobrepeso u obesidad
29 Aug 2022

Excess weight and metabolic syndrome are associated with cardiovascular disease, suggesting that health promotion programs in schools should teach good sleep habits

Valentín Fuster
26 Aug 2022

The results of the SECURE trial, coordinated by CNIC were presented in a Hot Line session at the European Society of Cardiology meeting (ESC 2022) in Barcelona and published at the NEJM

Participants who followed the TANSNIP-PESA program (orange line) showed an improvement in lifestyle measures and cardiovascular health compared with participants in the control group (who did not participate in the intervention; blue line). The Y-axis shows changes in the Fuster -BEWAT lifestyle and cardiovascular risk score with respect to the baseline value.
26 Jul 2022

Adherence to a workplace cardiovascular health-promotion program improves lifestyle and risk factors in healthy individuals

Dr. Pablo García-Pavía y Dr. Jesús Gonzalez Mirelis, codirectores del trabajo.
22 Jul 2022

Genetic screening combined with the detection of fibrosis identifies patients at risk of malignant arrhythmias or developing heart failure with severe complications

Juan Domingo Gisbert
About the CNIC
24 Jun 2022

Juan Domingo Gispert López, head of the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center and CNIC (Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research) researcher