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E.g., 23/07/2024
E.g., 23/07/2024
An optical section from a ventral view of a mouse embryo at embryonic day E8.0. The section is overlain with a cast of the three-dimensional shape of the forming heart (red) and the incipient circulatory system (purple).
17 May 2022

The 3D atlas has allowed the scientists to identify the beginning of left–right asymmetry in the heart

Alfonso Mora, Ayelén Santamans, Luis Leiva, Guadalupe Sabio, José Antonio Enríquez y Barbara Gonzalez Terán.
24 Nov 2021

The study, published in PLoS Biology, shows for the first time that cardiac metabolism in the postnatal period determines the regulation of metabolism in the whole body

Daño local en las fibras musculares tras el ejercicio. Visualización del daño local en fibras de músculo esquelético (soleous y gastro) de ratón joven tras el ejercicio, mediante la tinción con marcadores de daño local como Filamina C (verde) y Evans Blue (rojo), y los núcleos (en azul) de fibras.
18 Oct 2021

Researchers from the National Center for Cardiovascular Research and the Pompeu Fabra University describe in Science a new mechanism for muscle regeneration after physiological damage

Representative transmurality map from an 3D-upsampled model with a short axis view at high-magnification to illustrate the 3D methodology for transmural-based scar assessment from images obtained with conventional 2D delayed gadolinium-enhanced CMR
28 Sep 2021

This innovative technology may provide an efficient approach in clinical practice after manual or automatic segmentation of myocardial borders in a small number of conventional 2D slices and automatic scar detection

De izquierda a derecha: Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Laura Lalaguna, Laura Ramos, Elena González, María Villalba, Claudia Camarero, Marina López, Betel Olaizola, Ascensión Rey, Carlos Martí, Elísabet Bello y Javier Larrasa
3 Sep 2021

The new findings, published in Circulation Research, could spur the development of new tools for the treatment of cardiac hypertrophy

Dr. Miguel Torres
About the CNIC
10 May 2021

Dr. Torres is a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). Dr. Miguel Torres’s scientific research focuses on the regulation of embryonic development and the formation and regeneration of organs.

3D images obtained in anatomical, functional, and tissue characterization studies performed with the ultrafast cardiac magnetic resonance protocol
22 Apr 2021

Ultrafast cardiac magnetic resonance allows precise assessment of heart anatomy and function while reducing healthcare costs and increasing patient comfort

Mª Ángeles Zuriaga, Mirian Díez, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, Ana Dopazo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Quintas y Jorge de la Barrera.
5 Apr 2021

The study, carried out at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and the Hospital Universitario Virgen de Arrixaca in Murcia, establishes clonal hematopoiesis as a new cardiovascular risk factor and an important link between aging and cardiovascular disease

27 Oct 2020

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in very elderly people.

16 Sep 2020

The study published in Cell shows that macrophages, a type of immune cell, help cardiac cells to get rid of their waste material, and that this maintains the metabolic and contractile properties of the heart