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E.g., 22/07/2024
Marcos Siguero Álvarez, Luis Luna Zurita, José Luis de la Pompa y Brenda Giselle Flores Garza
11 Dec 2023

The findings, published in the journal Circulation Research, not only highlight the gene regulatory mechanisms that control valve formation, but also offer clues for future medical advances

Cells use two mechanisms to detect force: one gradual and progressive mediated by newly identified large membrane depressions called dolines (left); the other abrupt, activated above a certain threshold, and mediated by minute membrane invaginations called caveolae (right).
23 Dec 2022

A study published in Nature Cell Biology confirms that caveolae are essential for the mechanical responses of tissues subject to large mechanical forces (such as muscle, heart, blood vessels, and fat), whereas larger membrane depressions (termed 'dolines') are important for the response to weak or medium-strength forces

De izquierda a derecha: Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Laura Lalaguna, Laura Ramos, Elena González, María Villalba, Claudia Camarero, Marina López, Betel Olaizola, Ascensión Rey, Carlos Martí, Elísabet Bello y Javier Larrasa
3 Sep 2021

The new findings, published in Circulation Research, could spur the development of new tools for the treatment of cardiac hypertrophy

29 May 2020

The researcher Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is one of the greatest experts in the study of the mechanisms involved, cellular and biological, in regeneration in the planaria model

De izda. a dcha.: Asier Echarri, Miguel Ángel del Pozo, Diana Velázquez, Carla Huerta, Sara Sánchez, María García, Raffaele Strippoli, Enrique Calvo, Jorge Alegre-Cebollada.
20 Dec 2019

CNIC scientists have identified the molecular mechanisms that allow our cells to adapt to, protect themselves against, and survive mechanical stress

From left to right: Marta Román, Fernando Domínguez, Laura Padrón-Barthe, Pablo Garcia-Pavia, Giovanna Giovinazzo, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Demetrio J. Santiago, Javier Larrasa-Alonso
5 Sep 2019

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Puerta de Hierro hospital in Majadahonda have found a possible treatment for this disease

Los participantes de la CNIC Conference
About the CNIC
13 Nov 2017

The CNIC Conference entitled “Atrial Fibrillation: from Mechanisms to Population Science”, joined together 126 world experts in the field of atrial fibrillation in very different areas of expertise

Adela M. Guaras, José Antonio Enriquez, Enrique Calvo, Sara Cogliati, Jesús Vázquez, Rocio Nieto-Arellano, Iakes Ezkurdia y Nadia Mercader.
26 Oct 2016

The study helps to explain how different forms of organization affect metabolism and are linked to the tendency to develop certain diseases

Beatriz Ornés, Paula Yunes, Rebeca Acín, Pablo Gómez-del Arco, Juan Miguel Redondo, José Luis de la Pompa y Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero
About the CNIC
11 May 2016

The results could form the basis for the development of future interventions in certain heart conditions and myopathies