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E.g., 03/10/2024
E.g., 03/10/2024
One of the girls who participte in the study.
29 Jul 2024

A study by the CNIC and Fundación SHE, supported by “la Caixa” Foundation, demonstrates that schools are a crucial environment for health promotion in children

team photo
About the CNIC
11 Jun 2024

iSuRe-HadCre promises to become an essential tool for biomedical research using mouse models to modify and understand gene function

About the CNIC
15 May 2024

Globally, cardiovascular diseases due to atherosclerosis – the build-up of plaque in arteries – are the leading cause of death. A new Danish-Spanish research collaboration aims to develop methods to detect atherosclerosis at earlier ages and encourage prevention. Denmark’s Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted up to EUR 23 million to cover the first 2.5 years of the REACT initiative. The initiative is expected to run for 8 years in total

De izquierda a derecha: Immunofluorescencia en sección de corazón de pez cebra tras criolesion mostrando células proliferativas (blanco), cardiomiocitos (rojo) núcleos celulares (azul). Imagen de Microscopia electrónica mostrando mitocondrias. Gel Blue Native mostrando bandas correspondientes a supercomplejos formados por CIII (rojo) y CIV (verde).
6 May 2024

Scientists at the CNIC, CIBER, and University of Berne identify the fundamental role of a family of proteins in an essential process for cellular energy production

María Jesús Andrés, Carla Espinós (detrás), Rosa M Nevado (delante, al lado de MJA), Miguel de la Fuente, Rosa Carmona, Ana Barettino, Vicente Andrés, Pilar Gonzalo e Ignacio Benedicto.
19 Apr 2024

The elimination of progerin from vascular smooth muscle cells, but not from endothelial cells, prevents the atherosclerosis associated with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS)

RM cardiaca de un paciente con miocardiopatía dilatada (izquierda) y de un individuo sin cardiopatía (derecha). En el paciente con miocardiopatía dilatada el tamaño del corazón esta incrementado y su capacidad de bombeo está disminuida.
19 Apr 2024

The results, published in JACC, suggest that these factors could be used to predict the risk of developing dilated cardiomyopathy and adapt strategies for patient care and disease detection in genetic carriers of the disease

Agustín Clemente-Moragón, Borja Ibáñez, Anabel Díaz-Guerra, Laura Cádiz, Carlos Galán-Arriola, Miguel Fernández-Tocino, Mónica Gómez, Rocío Villena-Gutiérrez, y Eduardo Oliver.
16 Apr 2024

The study, published in the journal JACC: CardioOncology, identifies mitochondrial function and heart metabolism as targets for possible treatments to protect against anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity

Miembros del equipo del Dr. Miguel Torres.
About the CNIC
11 Apr 2024

The CNIC project will use innovative approaches to investigate cardiac regeneration

María Linarejos Vera, Gema Mondéjar, Amaia Talavera, Patricia Sánchez, Álvaro Macías, Juan Manuel Ruiz, Francisco M. Cruz, Fernando Martínez de Benito, Juan Antonio Bernal y José Jalife
11 Apr 2024

CNIC researchers, led by Dr. José Jalife, have made a key discovery about cardiac arrhythmias in Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS)

El Dr. Valentín Fuster con la Dra. Guiomar Mendieta
About the CNIC
10 Apr 2024

Guiomar Mendieta has been awarded the 2023 William W. Parmley Young Author Achievement Award for a paper published in JACC that is considered to an outstanding contribution in the field of atherosclerosis